On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 10:05, Gilger.John wrote:
> I have a fresh install of Fink and XonX (rootless) on my G4 PowerBook Titanium.
> I would like your opinion/advice regarding which window manager is "best" and why.
> John

Window maker is highly configurable (most window managers are), looks
nice, and by default doesn't take up too much space on your screen. The
menu's are easy to configure, as are all the other preferences. It loads
pretty fast too. It's the one I use under OS-X. 

GNOME/sawfish is ok too, but I've had problems with some of my mouse
clicks not reaching the window on top. Instead the clicks were being
transported to lower windows, but only on OS-X. I use this combination
at work under Red Hat Linux. 

Fvwm2 is alright too. I used to use it a few years ago, but in my
opinion it's too much of a hassle to configure. This may have changed,
but I remember editing the text configuration file, tweaking my menus
and preferences in very painful ways when I could have been doing
something more useful. 

I remember Enlightenment being real neat, but when I met sawfish my
relationship with it ended.

Lots of people really like KDE, and for good reason. It's very complete,
but I don't like the way it looks. Plus it used to be non-free, and thus
not philosophically appealing to me. It doesn't suffer from that any
more, but I still don't like the way it looks. 

TWM comes with virtually every system. It's simple, ugly, and small (in
memory). I wouldn't use it unless I was forced to for some reason. It
will give you borders around windows, and the ability to move and resize
them. Don't expect much more. 

I hope this little overview helps. If you have time you may want to
experiment with a few (Window Maker, GNOME, Enlightenment, and KDE are
all very good from a functional perspective), and see what you like.
There's a lot of subjectivity in window manager choice, and the mature
ones are at least 80% alike in basic functionality (i.e. they all work
pretty well). 


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