On Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 07:57 AM, Martin Costabel wrote:

>>    [auda:fink/10.2/CVS] ron% sudo fink install gimp
>>    Information about 1129 packages read in 1 seconds.
>>    Failed: Internal error: node for db3-shlibs already exists
>> I'm still eager to install gimp, and would welcome suggestions.
> You should rebuild db3 first (and fink reinstall db3-shlibs if it 
> doesn't do it automatically).
> As I understand the "node for ... already exists" problem, the 
> following happens:
> gimp BuildDepends on gnome-libs-dev which in turn BuildDepends on "db3 
> (>= 3.3.11-8)". You probably have an earlier version of db3-shlibs 
> installed, and when fink constructs its dependency list, it first 
> encounters a dependence on db3 without specified version, so it takes 
> the one you already have installed. Later on it sees the dependence on 
> version  >=3.3.11-8, but it is not intelligent enough to replace the 
> earlier dependence on an older version by the newer one.
> In any case, the new gimp will need db3-shlibs-3.3.11-8.

Thanks for that bit of background info, but that does not seem to be 
the whole story. On larger updates, I have frequently seen that error 
without any conceivable dependency problem. Typical scenario:

fink update-all
... building libsigc++ fails for reasons I have not investigated yet 
(this is on experimental). To got the update going, I manually select 
all other missing packages and do a 'fink update ...' on them.
 > Failed: Internal error: node for libsigc++ already exists
It finally can be brought to work again when cutting the number of 
packages down to a sufficiently small number, but the error seems to 
occur whenever a very large number of packages is to be updated. I 
think Max actually mentioned this as a bug.
So the update needs to be split up into many small chunks whenever a 
lot of packages need updating, making the process rather tedious of 
course. It would be really helpful if packages that don't build 
successfully could be put on "hold", so that "update-all" would just 
ignore them.


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