On Friday, November 15, 2002, at 09:49 PM, Ben Hines wrote:

I apologize for the size of this list, but it's much easier for me to post what I know works than to send 206 messages the maintainers.

i aalib 1.4rc5-2 Ascii art library
i aalib-bin 1.4rc5-2 Ascii art library
i aalib-shlibs 1.4rc5-2 Ascii art library
i appconfig-pm 1.52-1 Perl modules for reading config files and more
i apt 0.5.4-6 Advanced front-end for dpkg
i apt-shlibs 0.5.4-6 Advanced front-end for dpkg
i audiofile 0.2.3-4 Audio File Library
i audiofile-bin 0.2.3-4 Audio File Library
i audiofile-shlibs 0.2.3-4 Audio File Library
i autoconf25 2.54-1 System for generating configure scripts
i automake 1.6.3-1 Makefile generator
i automake15 1.5-2 Makefile generator
i base-files 1.6-1 Directory infrastructure
i bash 2.05b-2 The GNU Bourne Again Shell
i bzip2 1.0.2-1 Block-sorting file compressor
i cadaver-ssl 0.19.1-12 WebDAV client
i ccache 1.9-2 C/C++ compiler cache
i compress-zlib-pm 1.16-2 Part of the info-zip zlib compression library
i curl-ssl 7.10-1 Tool for transferring files with URL syntax
i curl-ssl-dev 7.10-1 Tool for transferring files with URL syntax
i curl-ssl-shlibs 7.10-1 Tool for transferring files with URL syntax
i daemonic 20010902-1 Interface to daemon init scripts
i darwin 6.2-1 [virtual package representing the kernel]
i data-showtable-pm 3.3-1 Perl routines to display tabular data.
i db3 3.3.11-12 Berkeley DB embedded database
i db3-shlibs 3.3.11-12 Shared Libraries for db3
i debianutils 1.16-1 Misc. utilities specific to Debian (and Fink)
i digest-md5-pm 2.20-1 Perl module, access to the RSA Data Security
i dlcompat 20020929-1 Dynamic loading compatibility library
i dnstracer 1.6-1 DNS tracing utility.
i docbook-dsssl-nwalsh 1.77-1 Norman Walsh's DSSSL DocBook stylesheets
i docbook-dtd 4.1.2-3 DocBook SGML/XML DTDs official releases
i dpkg 1.9.20-4 The Debian package manager
i efax 0.9a-001114-1 Simple FAX utility
i esound 0.2.28-1 Enlightened Sound Daemon
i esound-bin 0.2.28-1 Enlightened Sound Daemon
i esound-common 0.2.28-1 Enlightened Sound Daemon
i esound-shlibs 0.2.28-1 Enlightened Sound Daemon
i eterm 0.9-1 Color VT102 terminal emulator
i ettercap-ssl 0.6.7-1 Powerful net sniffer (with OpenSSL)
i expat 1.95.4-2 C library for parsing XML
i expat-shlibs 1.95.4-2 C library for parsing XML
i file-temp-pm 0.12-1 Perl module for generating temporary files
i fink 0.11.0-1 The Fink package manager
i freetype2 2.0.9-1 TrueType font rendering library, version 2
i freetype2-shlibs 2.0.9-1 TrueType font rendering library, version 2, shared libs
i gd 1.8.4-11 Graphics generation library
i gd-bin 1.8.4-11 Graphics generation library
i gd-shlibs 1.8.4-11 Graphics generation library
i gdbm 1.8.0-6 GNU dbm library
i gdbm-shlibs 1.8.0-6 GNU dbm library
i gdk-pixbuf 0.18.0-1 Image loading and manipulation library
i gdk-pixbuf-shlibs 0.18.0-1 Image loading and manipulation library
i gettext 0.10.40-3 Message localization support
i ghostscript-fonts 6.0-3 Standard fonts for Ghostscript
i ghostscript6 6.01-2 Interpreter for PostScript and PDF, v6.01 (used with teTeX)
i giflib 4.1.0-7 GIF image format handling library, LZW-enabled version
i giflib-bin 4.1.0-7 GIF image format handling library, LZW-enabled version
i giflib-shlibs 4.1.0-7 GIF image format handling library, LZW-enabled version
i gimp 1.2.3-10 The GNU Image Manipulation Program
i gimp-shlibs 1.2.3-10 The GNU Image Manipulation Program
i glib 1.2.10-8 Common C routines used by Gtk+ and other libs
i glib-shlibs 1.2.10-8 Common C routines used by Gtk+ and other libs
i glib2 2.0.6-3 Handy library of utility functions
i glib2-dev 2.0.6-3 Handy library of utility functions
i glib2-shlibs 2.0.6-3 Handy library of utility functions
i gmp 4.1-10 GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
i gmp-shlibs 4.1-10 GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
i gnome-libs 1.4.2-1 Base libraries for GNOME
i gnome-libs-dev 1.4.2-1 Base libraries for GNOME
i gnome-libs-shlibs 1.4.2-1 Base libraries for GNOME
i gtk+ 1.2.10-13 The Gimp Toolkit
i gtk+-data 1.2.10-13 The Gimp Toolkit
i gtk+-shlibs 1.2.10-13 The Gimp Toolkit
i gtk-doc 0.9-4 GTK+ DocBook Documentation Generator
i gtkglarea 1.2.3-2 OpenGL widget for GTK+
i gzip 1.2.4a-6 The gzip file compressor
i host 991529-1 Enhanced DNS and ns/mx/rblookup utilities.
i html-parser-pm 3.26-1 Perl modules that parse and extract info
i html-tagset-pm 3.03-2 Perl module, data tables useful in HTML
i imagemagick 5.5.1-2 Image manipulation tools
i imlib 1.9.10-9 General image handling library for X11 and Gtk
i imlib-shlibs 1.9.10-9 General image handling library for X11 and Gtk
i jaguar-missing-headers 1.0.2-1 Headers that from 10.1 that are missing in Jaguar
i jwhois 3.2.0-1 Improved Whois client
i lame 3.92-4 MP3 encoder and graphical frame analyzer
i lame-shlibs 3.92-4 MP3 encoder and graphical frame analyzer
i lcms 1.09-1 Free color management engine in 100K
i lcms-shlibs 1.09-1 Free color management engine in 100K
i lesstif 0.93.36-2 Free implementation of OSF/Motif
i lesstif-shlibs 0.93.36-2 Free implementation of OSF/Motif
i libao2 0.8.3-1 Audio output library
i libao2-shlibs 0.8.3-1 Audio output library
i libart2 2.3.10-2 Library for high-performance 2D graphics
i libart2-shlibs 2.3.10-2 Library for high-performance 2D graphics
i libdv 0.98-1 Software decoder for DV format video
i libdv-shlibs 0.98-1 Software decoder for DV format video
i libgnugetopt 1.1-1 GNU getopt library
i libgnugetopt-shlibs 1.1-1 GNU getopt library
i libiconv 1.7-5 Character set conversion library
i libjpeg 6b-5 JPEG image format handling library
i libjpeg-bin 6b-5 JPEG image format handling library
i libjpeg-shlibs 6b-5 JPEG image format handling library
i libmikmod 3.1.10-1 Sound library for playing MOD modules
i libmikmod-shlibs 3.1.10-1 Sound library for playing MOD modules
i libmpeg 1.3.1-6 Gimp MPEG library
i libmpeg-shlibs 1.3.1-6 Gimp MPEG library
i libnet-pm 1.09-2 Perl modules, simple programming interface
i libogg 1.0.0-1 Ogg Bitstream Library
i libogg-shlibs 1.0.0-1 Ogg Bitstream Library
i libpng 1.0.12-6 PNG image format handling library
i libpng-shlibs 1.0.12-6 PNG image format handling library
i libpoll 1.2-2 SysV poll(2) Emulation Library
i libpoll-shlibs 1.2-2 SysV poll(2) Emulation Library
i libquicktime0 0.9.2pre1-2 Enhanced quicktime4linux library
i libquicktime0-bin 0.9.2pre1-2 Various commands using quicktime4linux library
i libquicktime0-shlibs 0.9.2pre1-2 Shared libraries for quicktime4linux
i librep 0.14-8 Embedable interpreter for a Lisp dialect
i librep-dev 0.14-8 Embedable interpreter for a Lisp dialect
i librep-shlibs 0.14-8 Embedable interpreter for a Lisp dialect
i libtiff 3.5.7-7 TIFF image format library and tools
i libtiff-bin 3.5.7-7 TIFF image format library and tools
i libtiff-shlibs 3.5.7-7 TIFF image format library and tools
i libtool14 1.4.2-6 Shared library build helper, v1.4
i libtool14-shlibs 1.4.2-6 Shared library build helper, v1.4
i libvorbis0 1.0-1 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
i libvorbis0-shlibs 1.0-1 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
i libwww-pm 5.64-2 Perl modules, programming interface to the WWW
i libxml 1.8.17-2 XML parsing library
i libxml-shlibs 1.8.17-2 XML parsing library
i libxml2 2.4.25-4 XML parsing library, version 2
i libxml2-bin 2.4.25-4 XML parsing library, version 2
i libxml2-shlibs 2.4.25-4 XML parsing library, version 2
i libxslt 1.0.19-1 XML stylesheet transformation library
i libxslt-shlibs 1.0.19-1 XML stylsheet transformation shared libraries
i lynx-ssl 2.8.4-2 Console based web browser (SSL-enabled)
i m4 1.4-6 Advanced macro processing language
i macosx 10.2.2-1 [virtual package representing the system]
i mailtools-pm 1.51-1 Perl modules related to mail applications
i manconf 20020121-2 Wrapper script for man which forces use of custom man.conf.
i mime-base64-pm 2.12-2 Perl module that contains a base64 enc/dec
i mjpegtools 1.6.0-5 MPEG-[123] tools (encode/decode)
i mozilla 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - full install
i mozilla-browser 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - web browser
i mozilla-chatzilla 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - irc client
i mozilla-dev 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - development files
i mozilla-dom-inspector 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - DOM inspector
i mozilla-js-debugger 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - java script debugger
i mozilla-mailnews 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - mail and news support
i mozilla-psm 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - personal security manager
i mozilla-shlibs 1.1.0-4 Mozilla - shared libraries
i mpg123 pre0.59s-4 Real time MPEG Audio Player for Layer 1,2 and Layer3
i ncftp 3.1.5-1 Browser program using ftp protocol
i ncurses 5.2-9 Binaries for the full-screen ascii drawing library
i neon-ssl 0.18.5-10 HTTP/WebDAV client library with a C API, with SSL support
i neon-ssl-shlibs 0.18.5-10 HTTP/WebDAV client library with a C API, with SSL support
i netpbm 9.25-1 Graphics manipulation programs and libraries
i netpbm-bin 9.25-1 Graphics manipulation programs and libraries
i netpbm-shlibs 9.25-1 Graphics manipulation programs and libraries
i openjade 1.3.1-3 Implementation of DSSSL
i openssl 0.9.6g-2 Secure Sockets Layer and general crypto library
i openssl-dev 0.9.6g-2 Secure Sockets Layer and general crypto library
i openssl-shlibs 0.9.6g-2 Secure Sockets Layer and general crypto library
i orbit 0.5.17-2 The CORBA ORB used in GNOME
i orbit-bin 0.5.17-2 The CORBA ORB used in GNOME
i orbit-shlibs 0.5.17-2 The CORBA ORB used in GNOME
i passwd 20020329-2 User and group entries for daemons
i pcre 3.9-2 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library
i pcre-bin 3.9-2 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library
i pcre-shlibs 3.9-2 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library
i pkgconfig 0.14.0-1 System for managing library compile/link flags
i popt 1.6.4-1 Library for parsing command line options
i popt-shlibs 1.6.4-1 Library for parsing command line options
i pth 1.4.0-6 Portable library that provides scheduling.
i pth-shlibs 1.4.0-6 Portable library that provides scheduling.
i python 2.2.2-1 Interpreted, object-oriented language.
i python22 2.2.2-1 Interpreted, object-oriented language.
i python22-shlibs 2.2.2-1 Interpreted, object-oriented language.
i readline 4.3-5 Comfortable terminal input library
i readline-shlibs 4.3-5 Comfortable terminal input library
i reportlab 1.15-1 Graphics/PDF document generation toolkit.
i sdl 1.2.5-1 Cross-platform multimedia library
i sdl-shlibs 1.2.5-1 Cross-platform multimedia library
i sgml-entities-iso8879 1986-3 SGML standard (ISO 8879) entity sets for special characters
i storable-pm 1.0.14-1 Perl module for persistent data structures
i system-tetex 20010808-8 Placeholder package for manually installed teTeX
i t1lib1-shlibs 1.3.1-2 Shared libs for generating Type 1 Font bitmaps.
i tar 1.13.25-1 GNU tar - tape archiver
i tcltk 8.3.4-1 Tool Command Language and the Tk toolkit.
i tcltk-dev 8.3.4-1 Tool Command Language and the Tk toolkit.
i tcltk-shlibs 8.3.4-1 Tool Command Language and the Tk toolkit.
i texi2html 1.64-2 Converts texinfo documents to HTML
i texinfo 4.2-2 Texinfo documentation system
i type1inst 0.6.1-3 Type 1 PostScript font installation utility
i uri-pm 1.22-1 Perl module that implements the URI class
i vim-nox 6.1-2 Improved version of the editor "vi"
i vorbis-tools 1.0.0-1 The Ogg Vorbis CODEC tools
i wget-ssl 1.8.2-1 Automatic web site retreiver, with SSL support
i xearth 1.1-1 Draws the planet Earth in the root window.
i xfree86-base XFree86 libraries, utilities, clients and data
i xfree86-base-shlibs XFree86 libraries, utilities, clients and data
i xfree86-rootless XFree86 libraries, utilities, clients and data
i xfree86-rootless-shlibs XFree86 libraries, utilities, clients and data
i xml-parser-pm 2.31-1 Perl ext interface to XML parser/expat
i xtraceroute 0.9.0-2 Graphical traceroute including globe
i zlib 1.1.4-1 Compression library

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