Hello Douglas,

As I fear to do a big mess in my installation, could you please be so kind as to tell me the whole process (it's not clear from what I've already read on the list) and fill in the gap between point 5 and n.

1- Currently I have xfree86-base-threaded and xfree86-rootless-threaded.
2 - I always use x rootless.
3 - I've already downloaded X11SDK and X11User from Apple (not installed).
4 - I'm fink selfupdate-cvsing (if I dare say so) right now.
5 - ...
n - make x11 directory in my home directory

Le jeudi, 9 jan 2003, à 07:27 Europe/Paris, Douglas Theobald a écrit :

Easy. Make yourself an "X11" directory in your home directory that contains
these three X11 files:


Then run this script after every CVS update (replace "michele" with your
real home directory name, of course):


cp /Users/michele/X11/Xquartz /usr/X11R6/bin
cp /Users/michele/X11/quartz-wm /usr/X11R6/bin
cp /Users/michele/X11/libapplexp.1.0.dylib /usr/X11R6/lib

ln -sf /usr/X11R6/lib/libapplexp.1.0.dylib /usr/X11R6/lib/libapplexp.1.dylib
ln -sf /usr/X11R6/lib/libapplexp.1.0.dylib /usr/X11R6/lib/libapplexp.dylib


On 1/8/03 10:52 PM, "Michèle Garoche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
écrit :

Problem is that I use daily fink cvs update and I want to do it after
X11 installation. So what can I do?

An alternative would be to install X11 on another Mac if someone knows
a way to update fink via cvs when both mac are linked via a switch to
ADSL modem, one via PPPoE the other via DHCP.

Le jeudi, 9 jan 2003, à 02:57 Europe/Paris, Kow K a écrit :

Great! This worked out for me, too! Thanks a lot!

On Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 04:41 PM, Douglas Theobald wrote:

For the moment, I think this is the best solution:

Install the Apple X11.

sudo mv /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11R6_bak
sudo mv /etc/X11 /etc/X11_bak

fink install xfree86-base-threaded
fink install xfree86-rootless-threaded

cp /usr/X11R6_bak/bin/Xquartz /usr/X11R6/bin
cp /usr/X11R6_bak/bin/quartz-wm /usr/X11R6/bin
cp /usr/X11R6_bak/lib/libapplexp.1.0.dylib /usr/X11R6/lib
For sure, I also added the following symlinks:

/usr/X11R6/lib/libapplexp.dylib -->
/usr/X11R6/lib/libapplexp.1.0dylib -->

Apple's X11 should fire up just fine.  If you use a .xinitrc, use
window manager quartz-wm, like this on the last line:

exec quartz-wm

It works for me quite well.  You end up with a threaded X windows
with apple's X11.
In my case, I wanted to go back to XDarwin, and replaced quartz-wm
with wmaker. Note: quartz-wm doesn't run on XDarwin.

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