Url view just extracts and presents all the urls in a list when you
hit ctrl-b. It doesn't decide what to do with them. I would love to
see Launch an example of a .muttrc using Launch as I'm not quite sure
how it would work.

Actually, I believe I need to do a major mutt reconfiguration because
now I'm almost alway using it in an X window and never the old
terminal window so all the X apps should be accessible as well as
others. I just start it up with "xterm -fn 12x24 -sb -sl 1000 -e mutt

I use Mutt with Mac OS X as well as some Linux machines. I tried once
about a year ago to install urlview on MacO S X; I was unsuccessful. I
have been viewing html with w3m, a test viewer using a suggestion I
saw on this list of putting
text/html; w3m -dump -T text/html %s; copiousoutput

in my .mailcap

and having

auto_view text/html

in my .muttrc

This is adequate to see the html mail before trashing it. I'd prefer
to have html message show up in the list of attachments with the
option of viewing it, in a more recent browser or a different
browser. For whatever reason the links are never quite live with w3m.

I'd also like to get either antiword or OpenOffice linked to handle
the odd word or excel document.And actually I'd like my choice of
browsers since some attachments are really text and w3m or lynx is
easy. And every now and then, say once a month, I get an actually full
blow html message I might want to look at. 

On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 03:46:42PM +0100, Max Horn wrote:
> At 8:05 Uhr -0500 17.01.2003, Gregory Seidman wrote:
> >Adrian Simmons sez:
> >Mutt depends upon urlview to find URLs in a mail message and launch
> >them. Urlview uses a .urlview file to decide what pattern should match
> >an URL and what command should be run to launch it. My .urlview file
> >looks like this on a (non-MacOS) unix system:
> >
> >REGEXP ((((ht|f)tp)|https|file|mailto):(//)?[^ >"]*|www.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ 
> >.,;>">]
> >COMMAND remotens '%s'
> As an enhancment to this, I would strongly suggest to install the 
> "launch" package which is superior to Apple's "open" command in every 
> regard. To open URLs with it, you can do "launch -l http://bla.com";, 
> so the above COMMAND probably would become
> COMMAND launch -l '%s'

Josh Kuperman

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