Hash: RIPEMD160

I apologies for cross posting, but I think this is an issue that requires input from both, developers and users.

Dear Fink Community.

Some might not yet know, I am the one that does a lot of organisational and PR work for Fink. I was thinking about adding some specific new parts to the WebSite today and realised, that it might introduce a couple of major problems for the future.

Right now all our resources are tied up as the busy developers try to get everything ready for Panther. I am busy myself trying to wrap up all loose ends concerning our very successfully Fink Logo Contest. In the midst of it I am beginning to realise that we will need to adjust the structure of our Web-Infrastructure as we grow.

I will devote much of my time to this and I will try to do my very best, but my suggestion is, that we should develop something like a road map. For me it is easier to work toward a goal, to work toward a specific date trying to arrange things that they can meet all those requirements. Personally I feel that the current structure of

Write XML
Compile XML
Log into Website
Sync Website

will not really satisfy our needs for the future. There might be times where it is more convenient to add some article or announcement within a couple of minutes via a We-Edit interface. I know that we will have to very careful about our decision and a full fledged Web-Content based system like for example Bricolage is something we can hardly afford to maintain, we simply lack the manpower and knowledge to do so.

I am curious if the Fink Community has specific knowledge about a better system or any type of idea that could help us improve our Web-Infrastructure. Especially the Navigation and the ease of use for our website is something that bothers me. The little things that take very long to understand like our Help section. I am no Web-Site expert and thus I cannot tell you how well it has been done. I cannot justify in words what needs to be changed, I just know that if I add another three sub-sections to the Help section it will become a nightmare to navigate sooner or later.

I would like to use this opportunity to kick off some discussion surrounding the Fink Web.-Site, but PLEASE center your attention around me. The Fink main Developers are very busy, although I am sure they will participate in this discussion, yell at me or praise me. I will make sure that I accept it in the name of all of us.

I want us, as a community, to find a road map, how we can maybe change and improve the website. This also means that I am looking for Web-Coders and Web-Designers willing to devote some time, willing to help us improve the service to our Community, which includes all of you faithful users out there.

I think this is enough to kick off some discussion, please feel free to analyse the Web-Site and post your specific issues with it. I will be following the discussion on _both_ mailing lists, thus please do NOT cross post yourself.

Thank you

- -d

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