On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 07:22 AM, Peter O'Gorman wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Alexander K. Hansen wrote:

| Do you have any flavor of html-parser-pm installed? That's where I have
| HTML/Parser.pm on my system.
| On Monday, November 17, 2003, at 05:24 PM, Andrew Hartung wrote:
|> I recieve the following when trying to instal this perl module for
|> gnucash.:

Just doing a `fink rebuild html-parser-pm' should solve this one.
Upgrade problem with the package, it should have been revision bumped I

I did this and it didn't help.

i html-parser-pm 3.27-3 Placeholder for versioned HTML::Parser packages
i html-parser-pm580 3.27-3 Perl modules that parse and extract info

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