On 2003-11-20, at 13.40, Benjamin Reed wrote:

Oscar Erlandsson wrote:

I just ran into the same problem as Martin and some others when installing qt3 on Panther (10.3.1) -- only I didn't have qt3 installed before. It is one of the first things I install after installing completely afresh, so the fixes outlined don't work for me:
[oscar:~/Desktop] irray% dpkg -l qt3
No packages found matching qt3.

The problem seems to occur even if just qt3-shlibs is installed. I'm looking into a less hackish solution than removing qt3 to build, but it will take some work.

In the meantime, the real issue is the old plugins in /sw/lib/qt3-plugins/ are conflicting with the new ones in <build_tree>/plugins/

But I didn't have *anything* installed before I tried installing:

[oscar:/sw/lib] irray% pwd
[oscar:/sw/lib] irray% ls -al qt*
tcsh: ls: No match.


Oscar Erlandsson

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