Yes and no.  The problem I'm aware of only happens if an old
qt3-shlibs is installed, so if he really has *nothing* qt3
installed, then this is a new problem, and I have no clue how to fix
it.  The only way I've seen this happen is if something old
qt-related is lying around, be it in ~/.qt or /sw/lib/qt3-plugins or
opendarwin /opt/local/lib or whatever.
Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick --

Dear Benjamin, dear Martin and friends,

I hope the following is useful in finding the reason why qt3 now doesn't
build on my system.

Here below you will find a listing of what's in my boot disk (irrelevant
stuff skipped):

[node13269:/usr/local] loekjehe% sudo find / -name "*qt*"

So, it seems that there is still important qt3 stuff in
/include, in /lib and in /share/doc.

Isn't this stuff installed by Mac OS X? Or is this stuff coming from
an earlier fink qt3 installation? I doubt very much if I can safely erase the
stuff in /lib. ;-))
And couldn't it be that the conflicting library libqt-mt.3.dylib is the
one we find here in the /lib directory? E.g. when it is detected earlier in
the Path than the newly built libqt-mt.3.dylib in the new qt3 directory?

Hope this helps.


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