On 2003-11-20, at 20.30, Benjamin Reed wrote:

Yes and no. The problem I'm aware of only happens if an old qt3-shlibs is installed, so if he really has *nothing* qt3 installed, then this is a new problem, and I have no clue how to fix it. The only way I've seen this happen is if something old qt-related is lying around, be it in ~/.qt or /sw/lib/qt3-plugins or opendarwin /opt/local/lib or whatever.

Ok, to verify this, I did a complete search for *qt* in /:

sudo find / -name "*qt*"

and except for the build directory /sw/src/qt3-3.2.2-2, there was only


(plus obviously .info and .patch files). So I deleted all these, and tried again, still getting the same error. So I really think there is no trace of qt anywhere on my disk before I start installing.


Oscar Erlandsson

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