Hi Aron, 
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 22:53:11 -0500, Aron Trauring wrote:
> Recently I mentioned I was having a problem und 10.3 with gtk2 
> based applications which compiled (after I reinstalled Xcode) but 
> did not display everything. I thought perhaps the problem might 
> be related to freetype which I had installed prior to redoing the 
> Xcode. So I  did fink remove and then deleted the source from 
> /sw/src and the packages from /sw/fink/debs
> But then when i tried to do a fink install nicotine (one of 
> problematic programs, the other is gaim) I got this message:
> Failed: can't build libglade2-shlibs-2.0.1-13 because no package 
> description is available
> Now while I did fink remove libglade2-shlibs and did rm the .deb 
> package, I never deleted the damn .info package. Selfupdate or 
> update-all or scanpavkages doesn't seem to download this info 
> file.
> Sigh.
> I don't want to reinstall the whole fink again. But what I do 
> want to do is make sure all the gtk files recompile and I have 
> all the .info files I need. Any ideas?

Sorry there's a lack of informations in your mail. I cannot figure 
out which Mac OS X you are running and therefore I can only give 
some general hints on how to solve your problem. 

A short look in the fink package database on the fink website tells 
me that libglade2-shlibs-2.0.1-13 is avaible in the unstable tree 
so first guessing would be that you donnot have the unstable tree 
in your fink.conf. To verify this take look at fink.conf, it's in 
/sw/etc, there in the tree line you should find something like this 
"unstable/main unstable/crypto" telling fink to use the unstable 

Next would be to take a look at the faq points 4.7 and 4.8 

And maybe it is better to delete the info file too, cause fink 
fetches newer ones or missing ones during a selfupdate. 

BTW How did you clean up? Did you use the dpkg and fink commands or 
did you do it by hand with the rm command. The latter option 
perhaps may cause the problem since it doesn't tell fink that a 
package was removed as the first two do. So try to use the fink 
commands and see what you can rescue with them. 

What also may help is to use apt-get and the force option to 
install at least earlier versions of your packages and then rerun 
the fink selfupdate etc process to get the latest versions. More 
informations about apt-get force are found here 

Eric Hoch

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