Thank you very much for this detailed reply! This helps me orient myself better with the implications of source and binary.

After troubleshooting more, I discovered about the Developers Toolkit and got that installed. This was a significant part of my problem, as it caused Fink to bonk on selfupdate. I've made it past that point now and did an "update-all" in fink. This is running on its merry way, albiet taking hours!

My G4 should do ok with processing speed on gnucash install but I'm sure it will still take a long time. Once update-all is done I can move on to that. I'll let you know how that goes.

Thank you again and for the luck =)

~ Tara

----Original Message Follows----
From: Amit Uttamchandani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Fink-users] RE: Odd issue on upgrading a package
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:04:16 +0800

I had the exact same problem as you did. I "was" a beginner as well
and I got very confused with a lot of things that were happening with
fink. So here's the solution to all your problems...

You see in the packages (programs) available in fink, most of them
have a "binary" version and a "source" version. The source version is
always up-to-date and the latest one while the binary versions are
usually older. In some cases you might have the binary version the
same as the source version. This is why you see a new version of
gnucash (ver 1.8.9-14) in one of the columns in FinkCommander. It is
advisable to stick to the source version as you will get the most
up-to-date versions of all the software. This is why when you ran
binary-install the latest binary version is the one you already had
installed the like I mentioned above the latest one was for the source
version. And when you do a binary instally you are not compiling,
compiling only happens from source. Assuming you haven't gotten
confused already, there are a couple more things to do before you can
start installing from source.

First of all it is advisable that you have at least a G4 and min 256
mb memory, although this is not necessary. The reason that I am
mentioning this is because compiling most of the software takes a very
long time and I mean a very long time. Compiling gnucash with all the
necessary dependencies took me the entire night with a 733 G4. Also
you need to have Apple Developer Tools Installed (latest one is ver
1.2) because when compiling you need several of the compilers provided
by apple. When you install this you need to click the "Customize"
button and install the Apple X11 SDK. You should already have Apple
X11 Installed. After this you are ready to go. Now, before installing
the source version you need to remove the guncash binary version. You
can do this using FinkCommander. But do this only if you really do not
need gnucash for the moment because when installing from source quite
a few problems came for me when compiling gnucash. Usually if you do
not mess around with anything and just do a straight forward install
from source, you won't have any problems. Now using FinkCommander to
install gnucash (assuming you have removed it already) just click on
gnucash and click on the icon with the ".h". As I do not have
FinkCommander right now I do not know the exact way to do it from the

I am sure everything should work perfectly for you. Although,
compiling from source might take sometime and you might come up with a
few minor issues here and there it is worth it to stay with the latest
versions. Also if you have any more problems you can just send a mail
to the fink-users and we will help you. Also if you could give us your
machine specs it would help us a lot.

Good Luck.

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 19:21:09 -0700, Tara Ingram Hudson
> Probably relevant but I didn't think to include it before.
> Fink:
> Package manager version: 0.18.4
> Distribution version: 0.7.0.cvs
> -----------
> More information
> I tried these steps from command line instead of in FinkCommander
> 1. fink scanpackages
> 2. fink index
> 3. sudo apt-get update
> 4. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> 5. fink index
> 6. fink selfupdate
> 7. fink update-all
> 8. fink scanpackages
> As #6 ran, lots of code spit out. The last few lines look suspect but I'm
> not sure what to do about it.....
> The following package will be installed or updated:
> fink
> /bin/rm -rf fink-0.20.5-1
> /bin/mkdir -p /sw/src/fink-0.20.5-1
> gzip -dc /sw/src/fink-0.20.5.tar.gz | /sw/bin/tar -xf -
> make test
> Can't exec "make": No such file or directory at
> /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/ line 398.
> ### execution of make failed, exit code -1
> Failed: compiling fink-0.20.5-1 failed
> Similarly with #7.....
> Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
> /bin/rm -rf fink-0.20.5-1
> /bin/mkdir -p /sw/src/fink-0.20.5-1
> gzip -dc /sw/src/fink-0.20.5.tar.gz | /sw/bin/tar -xf -
> make test
> Can't exec "make": No such file or directory at
> /sw/lib/perl5/Fink/ line 398.
> ### execution of make failed, exit code -1
> Failed: compiling fink-0.20.5-1 failed
> ~ Tara
> ----------
> I've looked thru the FAQ and archives. I am an entirely new user of Fink and
> of open source in general, so the answer might be under my nose and I'm not
> seeing it.
> I am on OSX 10.3.4. I installed Fink and FinkCommander (FC) to install
> GnuCash 1.8.8 two weeks ago. The install went beautifully. For the original
> install (and compile I assume?), I used 2 steps in FC: 1)
> Source->Selfupdate-rsync and 2) select gnucash and run Binary->Install.
> That's it. FC managed all the dependancies, etc.
> Now I need to upgrade GnuCash 1.8.9. Right now FC shows that installed
> version is 1.8.8-12, latest version is 1.8.9-14, and binary version is
> 1.8.8-12. So FC knows about the updated package.
> When I Binary > Install I get "Sorry, gnucash is already the newest
> version." And when I Binary > Run in Terminal > Update and then Upgrade I
> get "0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not
> upgraded."
> Any help much appreciated!
> ~ Tara
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