That is a good point.

If you do find yourself in that situation you can just

xhost + (newIP or name)

and you are back in business.

If you're behind an X firewall you can just

xhost +

(that was my situation)


Jim N.

On Mar 4, 2005, at 2:00 PM, mathias meyer wrote:

check out the xhost command:

       xhost - server access control program for X

       xhost [[+-]name ...]

The xhost program is used to add and delete host names or user names to
the list allowed to make connections to the X server.



On 04.03.2005, at 07:51, Rick Slater wrote:

As I recall, if you check out the Preferences pane (Security option) for X11, it will tell you just that. Xauthority access may not work when the IP address changes.


On Mar 3, 2005, at 8:35 PM, Jim Nettles wrote:

My experience has been that if I start X11 at home and go to the lab I have the problem at the lab. If I keep X11 open and go back home - it works again. The same pattern, but reversed, occurs if I start it at the lab. I suspect that it is an IP issue. My hypothesis is that X11 starts in one location and sets authority associated with a particular localhost ID. When the machine goes to sleep and wakes up in a new location it has a new localhost ID, but X11 doesn't know that. Therefore the error.

Any validity to that hypothesis?

Jim Nettles
On Mar 3, 2005, at 7:20 PM, Eric Lenio wrote:

I have a powerbook and use it in a similar way (never shut down, only sleep).
This same condition happened to me just last week. I didn't bother to
investigate much, I took the easy way and just restarted X11. I'm guessing
that $HOME/.Xauthority is getting corrupted, you may want to check the output
of "xauth list" and see if it makes sense... if you ssh to other machines from
X11 this may have an effect too on the .Xauthority file (depending on how you
configure ssh).

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 11:48:07PM +0100, Clemence Magnien wrote:
Hi all,

I use Apple's X11 and fink 0.23.5 on an Ibook.
I never shut my laptop down, I always put it to sleep (I feel this
is not the correct way of saying this but think you can understand
what I mean).
Sometimes, when I wake it up, all works fine, except that I cannot
create any new window anymore. When I try to launch anything (like
an xterm for instance), I get a message like this:

 Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

Error: Can't open display: :0.0

(except mozilla, which can launch new windows when it is already running)
The only difference I notice between the situations in which this problem
arises and the situations it does not, is that I think it happens only
when I'm at home (I use this laptop at two different workplaces and at
home). For a while I thought it might happen only when I am not connected
by ethernet, but this turns out to be false (I am connected now and it happens).
(a 'echo $DISPLAY' gives me :0.0 in bot cases).

I can usually solve the problem by putting the computer to sleep and
waking it up again. After a few times either everything goes fine or
X11 quits, and works fine when I launch it again. If I use the 'restart'
option in the menu I get by right-clicking on the background, it shuts
X11 down, whereas it only restarts it when all works fine.

I have found no mention of similar problems on the mailing list archive,
does anyone experience the same kind of problem? Note that this is only
a minor inconvenience, but I am curious to know if there is a way of
fixing this without having to launch X11 again (yes, I'm lazy).


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Jim Nettles, Molecular Pharmacology
Liotta/Snyder Group, Modeling Division, Department of Chemistry
Emory University 1515 Pierce Dr. Atlanta, Ga. 30322
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  TEL: (404)966-4617  FAX: (404)728-0991

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