Martin Costabel wrote:
Carol Kankelborg wrote:
There is good news and bad news; first the good news: On Tiger, there is no ansi.h header file, so you are not missing it.

The bad news is that there is also no file /usr/include/gcc/darwin/3.3/inttypes.h on Tiger which you do have. There is now a file /usr/include/inttypes.h, but this does not contain any reference to machine/ansi.h any more. So you have a file that was not installed by the upgrade to OSX 10.4, but is most likely a leftover from your previous system, courtesy of Apple's installer and its occasionally buggy behavior. This may be bad news, because there is no easy way of purging your system, short of a complete archive-and-reinstall.

What are the implications of an archive-and-reinstall? I know I'll have to manually copy over some files, but other than that it shouldn't mess anything up, should it? I had wanted to do an archive&install when I installed Tiger but missed the Options button. It sounds like it would be the cleanest solution.

An indication might be given by running

  ls -R /usr/include | wc -l

which should return a count of 2837. If you find much more, this would confirm my suspicion. Someone else reported recently a count of more than 3300, and he had weird compilation problems, too.

Alas, I have 3253 files in /usr/include.

In the Xcode tools packages on the Tiger installer disk, there is the MacOSX10.4.pkg which installs basically into /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4.0.sdk/. Inside that directory, it installs a complete copy of /usr/include which you could use to compare with your current /usr/include and to repair it eventually.

I can't find the directory you're talking about. On my system disk, ls /Developer gives me:

Isidore-cckborg $ ls /Developer
ADC Reference Library/ Applications/ Examples/ Headers/ Makefiles/ Private/ Tools/
About Xcode Tools.pdf Documentation/ Extras/ Java/ Palettes/ ProjectBuilder Extras/

Thanks for your help. I won't be able to get to this for a few days to see if I 
get it working.


Carol Kankelborg

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
     -- Albert Schweitzer

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