* Claus Atzenbeck on Thu, Jun 30, 2005:
> BTW, if LANGUAGE is a problem, it may be caused by /etc/rc. There is a
> line that write into /var/log/CDIS.custom the line
>       LANGUAGE=de

On 10.3:

if [ ! -s "/var/log/CDIS.custom" ]; then
        echo "Language Chooser seems to have failed; defaulting to English"
        echo "LANGUAGE=English" > "/var/log/CDIS.custom"


> I have changed it manually to en, but without success. env does not show
> any LANGUAGE variable on my shell and even after exporting it to en_US,
> I get bus erros.

Same on 10.3 here. Changed CDIS.custom to "English". Changed
everything in International Preferences Pane to US-English.
Rebooted. In a Terminal set every LANG and LC_... stuff
explicitly to en_US. Downloade new version 5 of glib2. Same

Aside: Even after all these changes on reboot some of the
displayed messages are in German (login window = Anmeldefenster).

_B A U S T E L L E N_ lesen!  --->> <http://www.blacktrash.org/baustellen.html>

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