I have installed bundle-gnome from unstable on the current version of fink under 10.4.2. I can get everything compiled, but it just doesn't lead to a usable gnome desktop.

Is it actually possible at this point to get a gnome installation that functions properly under 10.4.2 using Apple's X11 in full-screen mode? I want to be able to launch the X11 app and use my laptop in full-screen gnome. As it is, trying every way I could glean from Googling, I end up with a seemingly half-booted gnome, with no nautilus, very slow, and not fully functional. I can launch solitaire and a gnome-terminal, very slowly, and that's about it.

Can anyone tell me if I should abandon this dream and wait for bundle- gnome to enter stable, or if there is hope and possibly a url which helps explain how to make this work on a 2005 machine running 10.4.2?


Mark Edwards
cell: (917) 345-4800

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