I _almost_ installed openoffice:

- I moved /usr/local to /usr/local.moved;

- I edited openoffice.org.info to stop installation of all those language-packages: I changed

ConfigureParams: <<
  --with-lang=ALL \

first to

ConfigureParams: <<
  --with-lang=en-US \

then to

ConfigureParams: <<
  --with-lang=NONE \

I believe I got through the entire building of the openoffice.org package, if (as happened) I got to building the language package:

 Creating language pack!
 Success (Try 1): "epm -f portable openofficeorg-en-US/[-]
 unxmacxp.pro/ OpenOffice_languagepack/listfile/en-US/[-]
 epm_OpenOffice_gid_Module_Root_unxmacxp_SRC680__en-US.lst 2>&1 |"
 Successful packaging process!
 creating log file log_SRC680__en-US.log
[which seemed to show success]

but finally:

 /usr/bin/tar xf
 darwin-*/openofficeorg-af.sw -C \
 /usr/bin/tar: instsetoo_native/unxmacxp.pro/OpenOffice_languagepack/[-]
 install/af/ darwin-*/openofficeorg-af.sw: Cannot open: (null)
 /usr/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
 ### execution of /usr/bin/tar failed, exit code 2

The /usr/bin/tar instruction is part of the first splitoff package; so far, the installation process is determined to install a language package other than en-US. Can anyone on the development team or elsewhere suggest how to get around this?


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