
Many of you inquired about the possibility to get CERNLIB (including  
PAW) for MacIntel. Given that the CERNLIB makes extensive use of g77  
features, CERNLIB did not compile properly for a long time using the  
Fortran compilers available on MacIntel.

Thanks to the hard work of Jack Howarth and Jean-François Mertens,  
this changed during the last weeks. The gfortran compiler from recent  
GCC 4.2 snapshots does compile the CERNLIB correctly, i.e. all tests  
of the CERNLIB test suite succeed. Since today, gcc42 and cernlib2005  
are available (*) through fink (http://fink.sourceforge.net/). The  
patches required to make CERNLIB work on Mac (both on intel and ppc)  
are to a large extend based on work of Keisuke Fujii and Harald Vogt.

Note that the CERNLIB package name changed from cernlib2005 to  
cernlib2005-g77 and cernlib2005-gfortran. The former is only  
available for ppc.

I'm looking forward to get feedback from you.


(*) You have to enable the unstable branch (http:// 
www.finkproject.org/faq/usage-fink.php#unstable) to get access to them.

Truth decays into beauty, while beauty soon becomes merely charm.
Charm ends up as strangeness, and even that doesn't last, but up and
down are forever.                                         (Anonymous)

Remigius K. Mommsen                 e-mail:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Manchester               URL:    http://cern.ch/mommsen
Fermilab, MS 357                     voice:        ++1 (630) 840-8321
P.O. Box 500                           fax:        ++1 (630) 840-2649
Batavia, Il 60510, US                 home:        ++1 (630) 236-0932

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