Ben Abbott wrote:
> Yann Clénet <yann.clenet <at>> writes:
>> I have now a problem installing with fink the package octave-atlas on  
>> my new MacBook Pro with preinstalled Leopard 10.5.2 (cf below).
>> Yann
> The problem is related to a change in how gfortran returns values of 
> complex functions.
 > I'm surprised this error is resulting with the atlas version.
 > When did you build altas?
Rather : version and revision ?

Indeed, it should not occur, and does not here
(with a "stock" octave-atlas)

> If you edit and remove the line "make check",
Was done by the maintainer now...
(I prefer to have signals of problems than to hide them,
but most users probably don't...)

>> N = 97;
>> mldivide (2*eye(N) + circshift (eye (N), 1), ones (N, 1));
This too works perfectly here with a "stock" octave-atlas.

Segfaults are hard to diagnose (remember the last one
about octave-forge, Ben ..)
And BTW, I see the failed test (/sw/share/octave/3.0.0/m/sparse/pcg.m)
is in the "sparse" directory, and contains several refs to sparsity;
suitesparse might not be involved ??


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