On Monday 31 March 2008 07:19:05 am Ben Abbott wrote:
> Yann Clénet <yann.clenet <at> free.fr> writes:
> > actually, I was trying to install the gdl package and it failed at the
> > octave-atlas step. but if I can be of any help (I am rather a newbie
> > than an expert of fink...), I can try any suggestion
> >
> > Yann
> hmmm... looking at the dependencies for gdl, I don't see why
> octave-atlas is needed. Alexander/JF should be more help with
> that.
> Regarding octave-atlas, you might try installing octave instead.
> Please start by replacing the "make check" line in octave.info and
> then
> $ fink remove octave-atlas
> $ fink install octave
> $ fink install gdl
> On both my Intel and PPC based Macs "fink install octave" works
> for me ... I haven't tried to install gdl.

I was surprised when encountered this myself.  gdl depends on plplot which 
depends on octave | octave-atlas
Alexander K. Hansen
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