Thank you for the answers... I'll try and find out which packages are  
At least I know what I'm facing now, and maybe one can get this old  
back working, at least until all the packages detect X11 without it.


On Sep 10, 2009, at 10:16 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> It doesn't actually work on on a 10.5 setup which doesn't have a
> /usr/X11/bin/xmkmf, either.  That's the normal state of X11s that were
> installed after OS 10.5.2 or so.  People who started at 10.5.0 may  
> still
> have it, since Software Update doesn't remove it, nor does the X11
> installer from, so maintainers often miss that.
> A lot of packages check for xmkmf in the PATH as their X11 detection
> system.  Some of them are nice enough to provide alternate configure
> parameters to get around that, so we can add :
>       --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib    --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include
> to the ConfigureParams (arguments to the configure script).
> Some packages, however, don't do that, and we have options to get  
> around
> this lack, via our own xmkmf package and passing an environment  
> variable
> or even setting the PATH appropriately.
> Basically, file a report for each individual package that you want  
> which
> is having this problem and we'll come up with a fix.
> - --
> Alexander Hansen
> Fink User Liaison
> Jan Haag wrote:
>> Well... It basically shows up in configure saying
>> checking for X... no
>> That holds true for any package that checks for it... I only found it
>> in trying to install
>> libxfce4mcs3-4.2.3-1003, but other packages seem to have the same
>> problem.
>> I'm not too good when it comes to shell scripting, but to me it looks
>> like the problem is
>> in the configure script... X11 itself seems to be fine, as
>> works.
>> Actually, a small app that uses the X11 libs for debugging GUI apps
>> just built fine, but it
>> doesn't have a configure script... (It is called xdotool, if that
>> matters -- just something I found
>> in an old backup for a test...)
>> The only idea I have on why this might happen is that some kind of
>> environment variable
>> is unset in snowleo, which used to be set in older OS X versions...
>> That's about it -- I can't think of anything else that could be of  
>> any
>> help at all...
>> Jan
>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:30 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:
>>> Jan Haag wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I'm not sure wether or not this is the right place to ask, but on
>>>> my  newly installed Mac OS X 10.6
>>>> it looks like any package depending on X11 doesn't find it... As
>>>> far  as I understood the workflow
>>>> of the autoconf-script, the headers should be found, but the
>>>> libraries  not...
>>>> The fink system-xfree86 package, including the -dev and -shlibs
>>>> parts,  is installed.
>>>> Though it's most likely something simple I missed, I don't really
>>>> have  any idea on how to fix it...
>>>> Any help would be highly appreciated.
>>> Could you give the output of a concrete example for what you mean?
>>> -- 
>>> Martin
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