Snow Leopard will remove Xquartz for you. What I would recommend is
beginning fresh with a new bootstrapped fink on 10.6. (That is, use
"sudo rm -fR /sw" and follow the bootstrap instructions.)

Alan wrote:
> BTW, I am about to upgrade to SN 10.6 and I use xquartz 2.4.0.
> What should I do? Remove xquartz 2.4.0 or hope SN will do it for me?
> Many thanks,
> Alan
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 14:52, David Reiser <
> <>> wrote:
>     On Sep 14, 2009, at 6:34 AM, monipol wrote:
>     > I'm not sure if Gnucash installs on 10.6/i386 (32 bits) but we've had
>     > reports from users who've installed it on 10.6/x86_64 (64 bits). I
>     > don't know about gcompris yet. Maybe other list subscribers have
>     > already tried it?
>     >
>     Including my tests (successful on both  32 and 64 bit fink trees), I
>     have reports of 3 successful gnucash2 installs in both 32 and 64 bits.
>     The one failure was a 32 bit install that was an upgrade-in-place fink
>     tree  where xquartz 2.4.0 had been installed prior to the 10.6 upgrade.
>     I started with clean fink installs after my 10.6 upgrade.
>     Dave
>     --
>     David Reiser
> <>

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