On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 09:26:14AM +0200, Martin Costabel wrote:
> Ed Clark wrote:
> > yup, seems the non-standard format of the 'Version' attribute in the
> > /usr/lib/pkgconfig/xmms2-*.pc files was indeed what was cause the problem,
> []
> > i removed the files associated with xmms2-0.2drdolittle-macosx-ppc.pkg
> []
> > and now apt-get/dpkg are working nominally
> > 
> > so it is interesting to learn that a pkgconfig 'Version' attribute of
> > non-standard format (one which includes whitespace ?) can chuck a spanner in
> > the works of apt-get/dpkg dependency checking -- got wonder how many other 
> > pkgs
> > are available out there which flaunt a similar violation 
> This is indeed interesting, and I would say it is a bug in Fink. On the 
> other hand, installing third-party stuff into /usr/lib is a very bad 
> thing to do anyway, so the bug should normally not be triggered (but do 
> we know what kind of weird things Apple will install there if the mood 
> hits them?)

Looks like whitespace and parens are not disallowed in pkg-config's
somewhat free-format .pc file fields. I have no idea how fink should
translate them (or the gimpprint value) into the more restrictive
format of debian version strings (only allow [-a-z0-9.+]). Does each
disallowed character become a hyphen, or omitted, or...?


Daniel Macks

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