>> Many thanks, that worked.  (The way it built all of octave then
>> threw most of it away brought back memories of epic builds of
>> OpenOffice.org and its language packs...)
> Yeah, sorry about that. :-)  I wanted to allow users to be able to
> select either the X11 or Aqua interfaces, and the build system wasn't
> modular enough for just that.  I actually do cut out a lot of the
> build, though.
> Unfortunately, Octave 3.4.3 (to be released in Fink soon) has a
> different system, and so its fltk-backend packages currently do build
> literally all of Octave and throw almost all of it away.

Hmmm.  Does it have to be one or the other?  Can you install 
both backends at the same time?  Say if you wanted to 
compare them, or had users of the same machine with 
different preferences? (Could really happen for my macs.)

I won't ask whether it would be more efficient to split 
octave into X11 and Aqua variants, rather than the backend, 
because I'm sure you've considered that...

-- Viv
Dr Viv Kendon    http://quantum.leeds.ac.uk/~viv
tel: +44 113 343 4864      Physics and Astronomy
Quantum Information Group    University of Leeds

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