Am 27.3.2012 um 16:36 schrieb Dany Plouffe:

> /sw/src/
>  error: projects.h: No such file or directory

Presumingly this is the cause that triggers the next error...

Are you able to list the contents of the libogdi3 sources archive, the TAR.GZ 
file, and "grep" for the missing C header file? It could be something like:

        gtar zvtf /sw/src/ogdi-3.1.5.tar.gz | grep projects.h

If this file is listed, then something in the build process went wrong, 
presumingly the configure step. OTOH, the INFO file for libogdi3 lists 
dependencies from "proj" and "proj-shlibs", a cartographic projections library 
(which you surely know better than me). Is this installed? Can you also run:

        dpkg -S projects.h

It will list projects.html files as well, but it should also mention the 
projects.h file from the proj (or proj-shlibs) package. If not, then their 
build and installation went wrong. If it is found, then presumingly the 
configure step had errors. It should still be available from the fink 



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