On 3/27/12 10:25 AM, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Am 27.3.2012 um 16:36 schrieb Dany Plouffe:
>> /sw/src/fink.build/libogdi3-3.1.5-1007/ogdi-3.1.5/ogdi/include/ecs_util.h:90:22:
>>  error: projects.h: No such file or directory
> Presumingly this is the cause that triggers the next error...
> Are you able to list the contents of the libogdi3 sources archive, the TAR.GZ 
> file, and "grep" for the missing C header file? It could be something like:
>       gtar zvtf /sw/src/ogdi-3.1.5.tar.gz | grep projects.h
> If this file is listed, then something in the build process went wrong, 
> presumingly the configure step.
There's no configure step in this package.

> OTOH, the INFO file for libogdi3 lists dependencies from "proj" and 
> "proj-shlibs", a cartographic projections library (which you surely know 
> better than me). Is this installed? Can you also run:
>       dpkg -S projects.h
> It will list projects.html files as well, but it should also mention the 
> projects.h file from the proj (or proj-shlibs) package. If not, then their 
> build and installation went wrong.
That would be "proj".  .h files are *never* supposed to be in a -shlibs 
> If it is found, then presumingly the configure step had errors. It should 
> still be available from the fink invocation...
> --
> Greetings
>    Pete
> Don't just do something, sit there.
The problem appears to be (thanks to Hanspeter N for pointing this out 
in #fink) that proj has changed its contents.  (cc'ing the maintainer 
for proj)  I was able to reproduce the error by updating proj, so I'd 
say that the build is trying to find *this* file, rather than the 
projects.h file from the libogdi3 source.  I retract my prior 
suggestion. :-)

proj-4.7.0 has:

$ dpkg -L proj

Whereas proj-4.8.0 has:
$ dpkg -L proj
i.e. projects.h has been removed.

As a workaround, check if you happen to have an archive for the older 
4.7.0 version of proj, too, by using

     apt-cache policy proj

If you have the older version, you should get something like:

   Installed: 4.8.0-1
   Candidate: 4.8.0-1
   Version table:
  *** 4.8.0-1 0
         100 /sw32/var/lib/dpkg/status
      4.7.0-1 0
         500 file: unstable/main Packages

If you don't have it, let me know and I can make copies of my archive 
files available to you for download.

for baba:  I'm not sure whether libogdi3 needs to be update to a new 
version, or to point at its own internal proj sources when building, or 
to use a different header than projects.h when building against proj-4.8.0

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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