On 5/15/12 7:06 AM, Jack Howarth wrote:

>> What it's about is that Fink needs to be told where your Xcode
>> application actually is:
>> sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
>> (this also tells xcodebuild where it is)
>> We stopped hardcoding the path to Xcode because Apple provides
>> mechanisms to look it up, and because it is relocatable as of version 4.3.2.
> Shouldn't fink (or at least the invocation of the xcode dependency) abort 
> with 
> a clear error message if 'xcode-select -print-path' is unset on 10.7 or later?
> I thought that feature was already added to the current fink.

Nope.  If 'xcode-select -print-path' is unset or wrong then the 'xcode'
virtual package is not "installed".  At least for now the command-line
tools like make, clang, ... all work regardless of that setting.

>> Also, I'll cc the maintainer, since on 10.7 it seems like we don't need
>> a versioned dependency on xcode, and maybe the package could be built
>> with just the command-line tools?
> This is present to insure a cctools which is sufficiently new to avoid
> testsuite regresions. Perhaps the xcode virtual package check could be
> modified to just look at the command-line tools. I am assuming that just
> having the command line tools installed is insufficient for 'xcodebuild 
> -version'
> to report its version, right? I wonder if we could look at the receipt for
> the command line tools installation in order to get the xcode version?

The 'xcode' virtual package grabs the version from Xcode.app's
Info.plist, and therefore it has always returned the version of
Xcode.app.  Of course, until Xcode 4.3.x this also mapped directly into
information about the command-line tools.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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