> On Jul 24, 2015, at 07:51, candac...@netvigator.com wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern:
> I fear that I am a bit stumped after spending about four days attempting to 
> install the latest available version of Octave on a new machine running OSX 
> 10.10.3 using fink.
> fink installed fine (I’ve used it on different machines for the past decade 
> starting in PPC land). XCode 6.4 and its associated Command Line Tools 6.4 
> also are fine. FinkCommander was also installed and works although for this 
> project I have been directly using the command line in bash.
> I am not new to the process. A year and a half ago I successfully installed 
> Octave on an old Intel PowerMac (8 cores) running OSX 10.7.5 currently 
> running Octave 3.6.4.
> I used the following command (with the understanding that this will be a 
> 64bit installation using Apple’s native Quartz):
>    fink install octave-atlas-qtx11
> It attempted to install Octave 3.8.2-6. During the build, after about 28 
> hours, it failed with the hint that I should switch from using all 4 cores to 
> using only 1. I assume this implies that something may be attempting to 
> compile or whatever before a dependent part being built on another core is 
> completed so it could not find it and thus the failure.

Yup.  It also makes the logs more intelligible, since there aren’t multiple 
threads echoing back to the terminal in arbitrary order.

> Switching to a single core, the above error did not recur and the process 
> continued until it seemed to be trying to find gawk. Well, indeed, to my 
> surprise, I didn’t find it in the system either, so under FinkCommander I 
> installed gawk without difficulty and started again.

It would have been nice to have had that as a _separate_ bug report with some 
output.  Was the failure even in Octave, or some dependency?   If I knew what 
the package was, I could check and see if there is a missing build dependency.

> Having gotten past that problem, it finally failed again for reasons I cannot 
> fathom. Towards the end, there was a series of hundreds of “Overfull / 
> Underfull” messages (which sounds to my ignorance something like a stack 
> problem).

Nope.  Those are from TeX—generating documentation--and have to do with its 
pickiness.  They look like warnings to me.

> I have attached with this message a TextEdit version of the Terminal session. 
> Probably the only thing useful to look at is the part highlighted in red 
> towards the top of the file and the system-capture information generated by 
> fink at the bottom. However, just to be safe, I have included everything.
> Before reaching out to you, I carefully read the entire Fink FAQ but nothing 
> seems to capture what I am experiencing.
> I am a physicist in Hong Kong and Octave has now advanced to the point where 
> there is a GUI for it in the most recent versions of OS X and I am hoping to 
> play with it on a portable machine (MacBook Air).
> Thanks in advance for any and all help in this matter.
> Regards,
> John Babson
> 1 attachment, as stated (file: “Overfull Underfull”)
> <Overfull Underfull.rtf>

What looks to be causing the failure to me is :

idx.texi (Concept Index) [867] [868] (./octave.cps
./octave.cps:56: Argument of \\ has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
<to be read again> 
\initial ... .5\baselineskip \leftline {\secbf #1}
                                                  \nobreak \vskip .33\baseli...
l.56 \initial {\\}
Runaway argument?
./octave.cps:56: Paragraph ended before \\ was complete.
<to be read again> 
<to be read again> 
\initial ... .5\baselineskip \leftline {\secbf #1}
                                                  \nobreak \vskip .33\baseli...
l.56 \initial {\\}
[869] [870] [871] [872] [873]))
idx.texi (Function Index) [874] (./octave.fns [875] [876] [877] [878] [879]
[880] [881] [882] [883] [884] [885] [886] [887]))
idx.texi (Operator Index) [888] (./octave.ops
(and similar further instances)

That being said, I don’t reproduce your error (10.10.4/Xcode 6.4).  

Could you please set your build jobs to 1 and use “fink -l build 
octave382-atlas-qtmac” to generate a plain text log?  Then send the file to me 
off list (it will be named 
/private/tmp/fink-build-log-octave-atlas-qtmac-3.8.1-6-<timestamp>.log).  I’ll 
generate the corresponding file on my own system and I can try to see what’s 
going on.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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