On 05/30/2016 03:42 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>> On May 30, 2016, at 15:18, Jess H. Brewer <j...@triumf.ca
>> <mailto:j...@triumf.ca>> wrote:
>> On 2016-05-30 12:11 PM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>>>> On May 30, 2016, at 10:55, Jess H. Brewer <j...@triumf.ca
>>>> <mailto:j...@triumf.ca>> wrote:
>>>> Over the past week or two I've been running into stalls on downloading.
>>>>  At first it was just at the stage of getting the new archives for
>>>> update-all commands, then it got worse, possibly because each time I
>>>> eventually had to CTRL-C out of the operation(s).  I tried deleting
>>>> various lock files, touching same to recreate them, etc., but this had
>>>> no apparent effect.  I tried fink fetch-missing to separate downloading
>>>> from processing, and it seemed to work, but afterward nothing had
>>>> changed.  I ran fink configure many times, trying different
>>>> repositories, to no effect.  Finally I set verbosity to 4 and tried to
>>>> run fink cleanup:
>>>> __________________________________________________________________________
>>>> # fink cleanup
>>>> Scanning package description files..........
>>>> Information about 9161 packages read in 4 seconds.
>>>> Collecting active source filenames...
>>>> Obsolete sources deleted from /sw/src: 0
>>>> Scanning deb collection...
>>>> Obsolete deb packages deleted from fink trees: 0
>>>> Obsolete symlinks deleted: 0
>>>> /sw/bin/apt-get-lockwait --option APT::Clean-Installed=false autoclean
>>>> Reading Package Lists... Done
>>>> Building Dependency Tree... Done
>>>> Obsolete deb packages deleted from apt cache: 0
>>>> Updating the list of locally available binary packages.
>>>> Downloading the indexes of available packages in the binary
>>>> distribution.
>>>> 0% [Working]
>>>> _____________________________________________________________________________
>>>> ...and there it waits, forever (or at least 24 hrs) without change
>>>> (still 0%).  So I'm dead in the water.  The old fink stuff still works,
>>>> as far as I can tell, but I can't make any changes or updates.
>>>> This is probably something really simple and I'm going to come off
>>>> looking like a noob, but... HELP!
>>> As far as I know we haven’t added a new binary distribution
>>> repository, so there’s really anything to reconfigure which will
>>> actually help in this case.  It works for me:
>>> ...
>>> Downloading the indexes of available packages in the binary distribution.
>>> /sw/bin/apt-get-lockwait update
>>> Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net stable/main Packages
>>> Hit http://bindist.finkmirrors.net stable/main Release
>>> Reading Package Lists... Done
>>> Building Dependency Tree… Done
>> Nope.  Hangs as above.
>>> Maybe try running the command “sudo apt-get-lockwait update” manually
>>> to see if that works.  Also try “sudo apt-get update”—theoretically
>>> both should have the same behavior, but we might as well additional data.
>> All versions hang the same way.
>>> Also, what are the contents of your /sw/etc/apt/sources.list file?
>>>  (Normally apt-get throws an error message promptly when there is a
>>> download error, however)
>> more /sw/etc/apt/sources.list
>> # Local modifications should either go above this line, or at the end.
>> #
>> # Default APT sources configuration for Fink, written by the fink program
>> # Local package trees - packages built from source locally
>> # NOTE: this is automatically kept in sync with the Trees: line in
>> # /sw/etc/fink.conf
>> # NOTE: run 'fink scanpackages' to update the corresponding Packages.gz
>> files
>> deb file:/sw/fink local main
>> deb file:/sw/fink stable main
>> deb file:/sw/fink local injected
>> deb file:/sw/fink unstable main
>> # Official binary distribution: download location for packages
>> # from the latest release
>> debhttp://bindist.finkmirrors.net/10.11stable main
>> # Put local modifications to this file below this line, or at the top.
>>> And what method are you using to give the fink tools administrative
>>> privileges?
>> I generally just run from a root terminal.
>>> Finally, what OS X version are you using?
>> El Capitan 10.11.15
>>> As a workaround to the immediate problem, you can use “fink
>>> configure” and shut off integration between fink and the binary
>>> distribution tools.  This will let you update, albeit always from source.
>> That seems to work, but it will be quite a while before it finishes
>> recompiling some 150 or so packages.  I'll let it run and then set
>> binary back on & see if there is any change.  But the stalling remains
>> mysterious, eh?
>> Thanks — Jess
> Nothing looked amiss.
> Yeah.  The fact that not everybody gets the error makes it hard to nail
> down.  I’m on 10.11.5 myself.
> One question on the login method:  is that a terminal logged in to a
> root account, or accessed via “sudo -s” or “su”, etc. ?
> —akh

# su -

(When I'm root, I want to stay root.  :-)

-- Jess

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