On 05/31/2016 08:47 AM, Alexander Hansen wrote:
>>> One question on the login method:  is that a terminal logged in to a
>>> root account, or accessed via “sudo -s” or “su”, etc. ?
>>> —akh
>> # su -
>> (When I'm root, I want to stay root.  :-)
>> -- Jess
> I don’t know if it will make a difference, but you might try setting
> RootMethod: none
> in /sw/etc/fink.conf if you haven’t done that already.—akh

It was already set.  Shall I try something different?

I seem to be able to "chip away" at updating from source: although just 
running # fink update-all  fails after a few packages, it does update a 
few -- less each time I run it -- until it fails immediately; then I 
"manually" update a few from the list and try again.  Then update-all 
gets a few more....  I've done this before; eventually I get up to date 
(or almost so) and then I seem to be able to go back to normal.  I 
wonder if the failure on downloading binaries is due to some specific 
package needing updating?

Cheers -- Jess

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