Have you actually installed FiPy, just unpacked it in a directory and
pointed your PYTHONPATH at the correct place or used svn? If it is the
latter two options, you'll need to run "python setup.py test" to
generate the necessary bookkeeping cruft inside the base directory.
Hope that helps.


On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Lucia Avalle <avallelu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I installed FiPy and have encountered a problem trying to run the 
> examples.
> lu...@takenoko:~/FiPy-2.1/examples$ python diffusion/mesh1D.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "diffusion/mesh1D.py", line 653, in <module>
>    exec(fipy.tests.doctestPlus._getScript())
>  File "<string>", line 119, in <module>
>  File "/home/lucia/lib/python/fipy/viewers/__init__.py", line 119, in Viewer
>    raise ImportError, "No viewers found"
> ImportError: No viewers found
> I have looked at the file in question (fipy/viewers/__init__.py) and
> the problem is that in line 95,
>    for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group='fipy.viewers',
>                                              name=FIPY_VIEWER):
> is apparently returning an empty list (iterator?)
> I couldn't get further than this because I am not familiar with
> pkg_resources and couldn't figure out a way to override it.
> The directories of each of the viewer modules exist in the directory
> with their respective code and the viewers themselves are installed
> (gnuplot, matplotlib and mayavi2).
> I don't know how to have FiPy recognize the viewers.
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Lucia

Daniel Wheeler

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