On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Charles Reid <charlesre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> While using the AdsorbingSurfactantEquation class, defined in the
> electroChem example, located in:
> fipy/examples/levelSet/electroChem/adsorbingSurfactantEquation.py
> I noticed two lines that seem erroneous, both related to the timestep used
> for the solution. On line 331, the following code:
>         self.eq.solve(var,
>                       boundaryConditions=boundaryConditions,
>                       solver = solver,
>                       dt=1.)

Hi Charles,

This isn't a mistake. I know it is very confusing. It should probably
not take a time step at all. The equation in question is not
controlled by the time step. It evolves with the zero level set. It
stores values at cells that are close to the zero level set and when
the zero level set moves the material is "pushed" by the zero level
set from cell to cell. The main benefit of this method is that it is
entirely conservative, but it is only first order accurate. Hope this
helps to explain what''s happening a little bit. I can field more
questions if you need to use it for a problem.

Thanks for the patch and don't be shy about submitting more patches.



Daniel Wheeler
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