On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Charles Reid <charlesre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I found a bug in Fipy's Pysparse class that raises an error when sweeping
> toward a solution with a vector PDE. Some notes on the problem are here:
> http://charlesmartinreid.com/wiki/Category:Fipy#Pysparse_TypeError_Using_Vector_Equations
> In short, the problem results from trying to treat a square matrix (number
> of variables x number of gridpoints) as a vector. This can be easily
> resolved by adding a "ravel()" call, which turns the matrix into a vector. I
> have a patch file here:
> http://files.charlesmartinreid.com/pysparseMatrix.patch

Hi Charles,

Thanks for the patch. Do you have a small test case that I can add to
the test suite to show the problem?

Also, would you like to patch FiPy yourself and add in the test case?
That way you will get recognition and have your name on the list of
contributors. You could just push your changes to a public repository
(Github for example) and then I can pull from there.


BTW We will be switching to Github soon, which will make this process
much easier.

Daniel Wheeler
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