On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 6:38 PM, Charles Reid <charlesre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I went ahead and did the following, let me know if I should try doing
> something different:
> 1. Cloned a copy of Fipy from the matforge Github repository
> git clone git://code.matforge.org/nist/fipy.git
> 2. Made a branch with changes (I called it "dev"):
> git checkout -b dev
> 3. Made my change to pysparseMatrix.py
> patch -p1 < pysparseMatrix.patch

Maybe you need to commit your changes at this point before pushing to Github.

> 3. Added a new remote branch to my local cloned copy of Fipy; this new
> remote branch was/is 
> https://github.com/charlesreid1/FipyForkgit://code.matforge.org/nist/fipy.git
> git remote add gh g...@github.com:charlesreid1/FipyFork.git
> 4. Pushed the modified branch to the new Github repo
> git push gh dev
> and now it's available at github.com/charlesreid1/FipyFork .

Charles, It doesn't seem like you've commited anything to the branch


unless I've missed something. The above is just a copy of the master branch.

Also, branch from the "develop" branch. "master" is really just a
release branch, all the latest stuff is on "develop". i.e.

    $ git clone git://code.matforge.org/nist/fipy.git fipy1
    $ cd fipy1
    $ wget http://files.charlesmartinreid.com/pysparseMatrix.patch
    $ git checkout develop
    $ git checkout -b pysparse-patch
    $ git patch -p1 < pysparseMatrix.patch
    $ git status # check that stuff has changed
    $ git diff # see that the patch has changed
    $ git add fipy/matrices/pysparseMatrix.py
    $ git ci -m "Patching pysparseMatrix for issues with ..."
    $ git log -1 # check that your commit is there
    $ git push gh pysparse-patch

Give it another go and make sure your changes are actually on Github

If this is too much of a headache for you just send me the patch, but
it would be nice to have you in the list of contributors.

> (By the way, someone used Markov-chain natural language processing to
> generate hilarious fake git documentation, which is not that much different
> from git documentation, here: http://www.antichipotle.com/git/)

Very amusing. Did you tweet that?

Daniel Wheeler
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