
In my case, the following error occurred when running on multiple nodes:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in <module>
    mesh = fp.Gmsh3D(geo)
  File "/users/wd15/git/fipy/fipy/meshes/", line 1937, in __init__
  File "/users/wd15/git/fipy/fipy/meshes/", line 266, in openMSHFile
  File "/users/wd15/git/fipy/fipy/meshes/", line 533, in __init__
    GmshFile.__init__(self, filename=filename,
communicator=communicator, mode=mode, fileIsTemporary=fileIsTemporary)
  File "/users/wd15/git/fipy/fipy/meshes/", line 294, in __init__
    self.fileobj = open(self.filename, mode=mode)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpi7MiWI.msh'

This is because the "msh" file is being written on only one of the
nodes and the "/tmp" directory isn't shared. Did you see this error?
It may have been hidden from you in some way if it is indeed the same
issue as your having.
This is a fairly heinous error and points to the fact that the FiPy
test slaves should test on multiple nodes.

Anyway, there is a workaround, which I will send to you offline.

I'll try and fix this properly when I get a chance.

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Seufzer, William J. (LARC-D307)
<> wrote:
> Thanks Dan,
> Yes, I ran across 4 nodes (32 cores) and my log file returned a randomized 
> list of integers 0 through 31. With other information from PBS I could see 
> the names of the 4 nodes that were allocated (I believe I didn't have 32 
> processes on one node).

Daniel Wheeler
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