
We've made a little progress. I now get an error! Answers to your questions are 

On Mar 27, 2014, at 2:26 PM, Daniel Wheeler <daniel.wheel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Seufzer, William J. (LARC-D307)
> <bill.seuf...@nasa.gov> wrote:
>> Dan,
>> We're not there yet. I got back to this issue late yesterday and the fix
>> doesn't work on my cluster.
>> I added the code that was recommended at: The workaround:
>> https://gist.github.com/wd15/9693712 but it appears now that we hang on the
>> line:
>> mesh = fp.Gmsh3D(mshFile)
> Did you try just running that file independently from anything else?

Yes, I'm running the simple file that just tries to read in the mesh.

>> As with reading the .geo file the cores are busy but after an hour the code
>> does not go past the mesh = .... command.
> I'm not sure what's going on, but can all the processes read the
> mshFile? Check that. It's odd that this works for me across nodes and
> not for you.
> Also when I run your original problem:
>   import fipy as fp
>   geoFile = 'tmsh3d.geo'
>   mesh = fp.Gmsh3D(geoFile)
>   mx,my,mz = mesh.getCellCenters()
> I get "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/tmp/tmpt49sGo.msh'". Did you actually get that error?

I did not get this error. The cores, for some reason just hung and saturated 
the cores.
I have since confirmed from our Sys Admins that that nodes in the cluster do 
NOT share a /tmp area. Each node has it's own. That helps explain why was able 
to run several cores on one node and not across nodes.

>> Question: If procID==0 runs gmsh to make the .msh file, why not just run
>> gmsh by hand (or script) and have the mesh file ready to go?
> Absolutely, just automating it away.
>> Is there a way to change FiPy so that the users disk space is used instead
>> of /tmp ? Then if one core creates the file all the cores, on various nodes,
>> will see it.
> Not FiPy, but just tell Python. I didn't think of that first time, but
> it is the simplest solution.
>   http://docs.python.org/2/library/tempfile.html#tempfile.tempdir
> Just set 'tempfile.temdir" to a shared directory at the top of the
> script. I believe that will work for all uses of tempfile within the
> current Python session.
> This works for me across two nodes
>    import tempfile
>    tempfile.tempdir = './'
>    import fipy as fp
>    geoFile = 'tmsh3d.geo'
>    mesh = fp.Gmsh3D(geoFile)
>    mx,my,mz = mesh.getCellCenters()
>    print mx

I put in the import tempfile and redirected the tmp directory to a shared area. 
Now I get an error!

There error is (coming from 12 cores):

EnvironmentError: Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.
    raise EnvironmentError("Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.")
EnvironmentError    raise EnvironmentError("Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.")
EnvironmentError:     raise EnvironmentError("Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.")
EnvironmentError: Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.
    raise EnvironmentError("Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.")
EnvironmentError: Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.
EnvironmentError: EnvironmentError: Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.
: Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.
Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.
Gmsh version must be >= 2.0.

When I check the gmsh version is:

> gmsh -version
Petsc Release Version 3.1.0, Patch 8, Thu Mar 17 13:37:48 CDT 2011
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Interesting... getting an error feels like great progress! :)


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