Wow, thank you for both of those responses... they were extremely helpful.
And thanks for wading through my beginner-level code.  I have been
experimenting with things to see if I could get FiPy to update faceValue
during solve which is why I called it with faceValue() - but I forgot to
change it back before posting.  I was confused about faceGrad orientation
as well, thanks for correcting me.

I saw someone else having trouble with this boundary condition in an older
There was a mention to try using a divergence term to set the robin
condition.  This now works outside of the sweeping loop for me as long as I
am using underRelaxation.  Here is the equation:

eq = DiffusionTerm(coeff=D) + (-hTopSurface*(phi.faceValue-tinf)/k *
mesh2.faceNormals * mesh2.facesBack).divergence

After following your advice I was getting similar numbers, ~31.32C maximum
value.  This is only ~6-9% error from my accepted value.  The error was
because of the way I set up the source term by selecting cell centers
within the area I specified.  If I set the mesh in x and y to numbers
divisible by 4 I get closer to the correct answer.  Is there anyway to make
the source "bounds" register as key mesh points in the mesh using grid3D?
I haven't found anything like that in the documentation.
Suggestions are welcome too.  I can try to implement something.  I do want
to eventually parametrize this with multiple sources.

My goal is to create a larger python tool that uses this calculation as a
subroutine.  Both the neumann and the robin BCs will be functions of space
(and eventually time.)  And they will iteratively update according to a
simpler iterative routine (which calculates flow, then htc from nusselt

I do want to be able to solve this problem relatively fast as I will want
to sweep parameters to optimize a design.  I am also only able to use high
values of underRelaxation (0.999,0.9999).  The problem I have now is that
i'm not sure what the optimal underRelaxation and tolerances are to get a
fast (second or two) convergence.

I found one way is to change the increase (lower) the underrelaxation as I
get res closer to restol.  Suggestions are welcome again!  It is still
relatively slow... but it works now!!!  Thank you very much!!!


On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. <> wrote:

> Roberto -
> Thank you very much for your contributions. Presumably you're not new to
> numerical solutions to PDEs, but just to FiPy?
> On Oct 24, 2014, at 8:32 AM, Roberto Rocca <> wrote:
> > Dear Evan, dear all,
> >
> > This is my first post here, so first of all I'd like to thank the
> developers for sharing their great work.
> >
> > I've only been using FiPy for a few weeks, I'm not an expert, but I'd
> like to share my experience which I think is relevant to this post.
> >
> > As a preliminary step before tackling more complex problems, I've been
> testing a simple model of thermal diffusion with internal heat generation,
> both in steady-state and transient, to be benchmarked with analytic
> solutions or with a commercial FEM software. Like the original poster, I
> also had difficulties implementing a convection boundary condition, or in
> general a BC that is a function of the variable solved for. These are my
> main remarks:
> >
> > 1. It seems to me that when such a BC is implemented using for example
> phi.faceGrad.constrain(-hh * (phi.faceValue - T0)/k, mesh.facesRight), the
> value of the variable is not updated properly throughout the calculation.
> At least in the cases I was testing. The workaround I came up with, after
> much trial and error, is to place this call within a sweeping loop, which
> seems to work and yield the expected results. This could be possibly a FiPy
> issue.
> There is something wrong here, for sure. There are some subtleties that
> can cause this problem (but aren't the whole story).
> Evan's code says
>   phi.faceGrad.constrain(-hTopSurface*(phi.faceValue()-tinf)/k, topSurface)
> There are a couple of problems with this:
> * The constraint is not dynamic
>   `phi.faceValue` is the property of `phi` that interpolates from cell
> centers to face centers.
>   It is a FaceVariable that updates as `phi` changes.
>   `phi.getFaceValue()` is the old-style method of `phi` that does the same
> thing.
>   `phi.faceValue()` (with parentheses) is the instantaneous value of
> `phi.faceValue`.
>   This is equivalent to writing `phi.faceValue.value`.
>   It is a FaceVariable, but its value is static and does not change with
> `phi`.
> * The constraint assigns a scalar to a vector. I *think* what this does is
> assign the same scalar value to the x, y, z components of the faceGrad,
> which is certainly not what's desired.
> To properly assign the Robin value to the normal component of
> `phi.faceGrad`, use
>   phi.faceGrad.constrain((-hTopSurface*(phi.faceValue-tinf)/k) *
> mesh2.faceNormals, where=topSurface)
> This change doesn't fix things, though. As you've found, the value of the
> constraint still doesn't update for some reason.
> Our examples/convection/ attempts to solve the second problem by
> writing
>   C.faceGrad.constrain([-P + P * C.faceValue], mesh.facesLeft)
> in an attempt to make the constraint value a vector, but even though `-P +
> P * C.faceValue` is dynamic, the list `[-P + P * C.faceValue]` is not. When
> I "fix" this, though, the numerical and analytical solutions completely
> disagree.
> > 2. Even in presence of a Dirichlet condition on part of the boundary,
> when a convection boundary is implemented the solution could diverge. I've
> been using the standard solver, which with pysparse is a PCG solver. This
> can be dealt with with a proper choice of a coefficient of under relaxation.
> Good suggestion. What underRelaxation did you use? I had to set it to
> 0.999 to get it to converge at any reasonable rate at all.
> > 3. In Evan's case there are no source or transient terms and in this
> case I am not so sure of the proper choice for the coefficient of the
> diffusion term; as the coefficient is constant, it could be canceled out of
> the equation which reduces to a Laplace equation. I would personally put
> either 1.0 or the thermal conductivity k, rather then the thermal
> diffusivity k/rho.cp. Maybe someone can comment on this.
> > My remark is that with Evan's figures, D ~7e-5 and a tolerance 1e-5, the
> calculation would stop at the first iteration without reaching convergence.
> It seems to work with a tolerance 1e-9.
> Also a very good observation.
> > 4. With the above changes to the code I get a global temperature range
> from 30.8C to 31.4C, which is still lower than the reported expected result.
> The values I get depend on what I choose for underRelaxation and for
> restol, but the range I get is similar to what you find.
> > I hope this helps.
> Very much. Thanks for your contributions.
> I filed an issue about all of this at
> I don't have any further
> suggestions for the moment and have run out of time to look at it for
> awhile. Hopefully Daniel can take a look when he returns next week(?).
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