Yes I tried without kinematic boundary conditions and there is no difference !
Maybe the scheme is not stable.
Other ideas ?


> Le 17 sept. 2018 à 22:27, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu 
> <> a écrit :
> Have you tried without the kinematic boundary conditions ? Just constrain T 
> and dT/dn, what happens then ? 
> Le lun. 17 sept. 2018 à 22:17, fgendr01 < 
> <>> a écrit :
> Alas, it doesn’t work :-(
> I tried to change the CFL condition but there is not real differences…
> 2 screenshots at t = 0 and after 20s...
> <PastedGraphic-5.png>
> If someone have the solution ?
> here is the code with last modifications :
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> from fipy import *
> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
> # Parameter
> L = 1. 
> N = 100.
> dL = L/N
> T0 = 293.
> Tmax = 303.                                   # Temperature max
> Tmin = 283.                                   # Temperature min
> alpha = 0.0002                                # Thermal dilatation
> lamda = 0.6                                   # Thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
> c = 4186.                                             # Specific Heat of sea 
> water (J/kg/K)
> ro0 = 1023.                                   # average density of sea water
> g = 10.                                               # Gravity (m/s2)
> DT = lamda/(c*ro0)                            # Thermal diffusivity (m2/s)
> # Mesh
> mesh = Grid2D(nx=N, ny=N, dx=dL, dy=dL)
> # Variables
> T = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name = 'T', value = T0)
> xVelocity = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Xvelocity', value = 0.)
> zVelocity = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Zvelocity', value = 0.)
> velocity = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, name='velocity', rank=1)
> # Init Condition
> T.setValue(T0)
> # Boundary Conditions
> T.constrain(Tmax, mesh.facesLeft)                             #Tmax to the 
> Left
> T.constrain(Tmin, mesh.facesRight)                    #Tmin to the right
> T.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesTop)                #Adiabatic wall to the 
> Top
> T.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesBottom)             #Adiabatic wall to the 
> Bottom
> xVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesLeft)
> xVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesRight)
> zVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesTop)
> zVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesBottom)
> # Viewer
> viewer = None
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>       viewer = Viewer(vars=T, datamin=Tmin, datamax=Tmax)
>       viewer.plot()
>       raw_input("<Enter to continue>...")
> # Boussinesq equations
> eqX = (TransientTerm(var=xVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=xVelocity, 
> coeff=velocity) == 0)
> eqZ = (TransientTerm(var=zVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=zVelocity, 
> coeff=velocity) == alpha*g*(T-T0))
> eqT = (TransientTerm(var=T) + ConvectionTerm (var=T, coeff=velocity) == 
> DiffusionTerm(var=T, coeff=DT))
> eq = eqX & eqZ & eqT
> # Solving Boussinesq equations
> timeStepDuration = 0.001*dL**2/(2*DT)         #CFL Condition
> steps = 50
> sweeps = 5
> for step in range(steps):
>    for sweep in range(sweeps):
>        eq.sweep(dt=timeStepDuration)
>        velocity[0] = xVelocity.arithmeticFaceValue
>        velocity[1] = zVelocity.arithmeticFaceValue
>        velocity[..., mesh.exteriorFaces.value] = 0.
>        if viewer is not None:
>                  viewer.plot()
>                  plt.pause(0.1)
> raw_input("<Enter to finish>… ")
> Sorry for all my messages...
> Fabien
>> Le 17 sept. 2018 à 21:52, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu 
>> < <>> a 
>> écrit :
>> Hi again Fabien,
>> Well, I would say that physically it makes sense. With such boundary 
>> condition, I think the problem is well posed. Now it is all about the 
>> numerics. 
>> Have you tried ? What does the solver yield ? 
>> Cheers
>> Thibault
>> Le lun. 17 sept. 2018 à 21:49, fgendr01 < 
>> <>> a écrit :
>> Thanks Thibault,
>> You’re right, the top ans the bottom walls are adiabatic and I tried to put 
>> velocity conditions.
>> What do you think about these conditions :
>> # Boundary Conditions
>> T.constrain(Tmax, mesh.facesLeft)
>> T.constrain(Tmin, mesh.facesRight)
>> T.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesTop)
>> T.faceGrad.constrain(0, mesh.facesBottom)
>> xVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesLeft)
>> xVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesRight)
>> zVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesTop)
>> zVelocity.constrain(0, mesh.facesBottom)
>> Thanks,
>> Fabien
>>> Le 17 sept. 2018 à 21:29, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu 
>>> < <>> 
>>> a écrit :
>>> Good evening Fabien,
>>> I have not been following the development or the answers given to you by 
>>> other members, so, apologies if I stumble on something that’s already been 
>>> told. 
>>> I think the figure you send with your question is the answer. From what I 
>>> can see, at the top and the bottom of the domain, there is some 
>>> extrapolation going on, or Neumann sort of boundary condition : the 
>>> temperature gradient is zero. In physical terms, those two walls look 
>>> adiabatic to me. 
>>> I don’t have my laptop anywhere close but I would encourage you to browse 
>>> the examples to find an adiabatic or zero-gradient boundary condition ! 
>>> As for the mathematical aspect of your question: when it comes to the 
>>> Navier-Stokes equations, you have to impose boundary conditions on all 
>>> boundary patches of the domain. The boundary conditions can change 
>>> depending on what you want to happen, but you have to have one. Also it is 
>>> surprising to me that only imposing the temperature on the left and right 
>>> patches is enough: I’m not sure about fipy core behavior, but with 
>>> Navier-Stokes, you gotta impose temperature and velocity to have a 
>>> well-posed problem ! 
>>> Cheers and bon courage ! 
>>> T
>>> Le lun. 17 sept. 2018 à 21:09, fgendr01 < 
>>> <>> a écrit :
>>> Hi Jon and the community,
>>> Since a few weeks, I develop a small code to solve a 2D problem of water 
>>> transport in a simple mesh.
>>> My problem is the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations with the 
>>> Boussinesq approximation in 2D with a thermal gradient.
>>> I try to solve these equations :
>>> A member (Jonathan) helped me and wrote a part of the code but the code 
>>> seems not to be stable and I don’t know why !
>>> Can you help me ?
>>> There must be a problem with the boundary conditions.
>>> I want to impose a fixed temperature on the left wall (303K) and a fixed 
>>> temperature on the right wall (283K). Should I put a condition on the upper 
>>> and lower walls?
>>> Here is my code :
>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>> from fipy import *
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> # Parameter
>>> L = 1. 
>>> N = 100.
>>> dL = L/N
>>> T0 = 293.
>>> Tmax = 303.                                 # Temperature max
>>> Tmin = 283.                                 # Temperature min
>>> alpha = 0.0002                              # Thermal dilatation
>>> lamda = 0.6                                 # Thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
>>> c = 4186.                                           # Specific Heat of sea 
>>> water (J/kg/K)
>>> ro0 = 1023.                                 # average density of sea water
>>> g = 10.                                             # Gravity (m/s2)
>>> DT = lamda/(c*ro0)                          # Thermal diffusivity (m2/s)
>>> # Mesh
>>> mesh = Grid2D(nx=N, ny=N, dx=dL, dy=dL)
>>> # Variables
>>> T = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name = 'T', value = T0)
>>> xVelocity = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Xvelocity', value = 0.)
>>> zVelocity = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Zvelocity', value = 0.)
>>> velocity = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, name='velocity', rank=1)
>>> # Init Condition
>>> T.setValue(T0)
>>> # Boundary Conditions
>>> T.constrain(Tmax, mesh.facesLeft)
>>> T.constrain(Tmin, mesh.facesRight)
>>> # Viewer init conditions
>>> viewer = None
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>     viewer = Viewer(vars=T, datamin=Tmin, datamax=Tmax)
>>>     viewer.plot()
>>>     raw_input("<Enter to continue>...")
>>> # Boussinesq equations
>>> eqX = (TransientTerm(var=xVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=xVelocity, 
>>> coeff=velocity) == 0)
>>> eqZ = (TransientTerm(var=zVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=zVelocity, 
>>> coeff=velocity) == alpha*g*(T-T0))
>>> eqT = (TransientTerm(var=T) + ConvectionTerm (var=T, coeff=velocity) == 
>>> DiffusionTerm(var=T, coeff=DT))
>>> eq = eqX & eqZ & eqT
>>> # Solving Boussinesq equations
>>> timeStepDuration = 0.1*dL**2/(2*DT)
>>> steps = 50
>>> sweeps = 5
>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>    for sweep in range(sweeps):
>>>        eq.sweep(dt=timeStepDuration)
>>>        velocity[0] = xVelocity.arithmeticFaceValue
>>>        velocity[1] = zVelocity.arithmeticFaceValue
>>>        velocity[..., mesh.exteriorFaces.value] = 0.
>>>        if viewer is not None:
>>>                viewer.plot()
>>>                plt.pause(0.1)
>>> raw_input("<Enter to finish>… ")
>>> I’d like to obtain something like this :
>>> Thanks again for your help, maybe Jon again ;-)
>>> Fabien
>>>> Le 16 août 2018 à 07:20, fgendr01 < 
>>>> <>> a écrit :
>>>> Thanks a lot Jon.
>>>> I appreciate your help.
>>>> I will try to apply your remarks but I will certainly still need your help 
>>>> again ;-) to develop the code.
>>>> Thanks again.
>>>> Fabien
>>>>> Le 15 août 2018 à 19:46, Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) 
>>>>> < <>> a écrit :
>>>>> Fabien -
>>>>> I think the code below should get you going.
>>>>> The changes I made were:
>>>>> - `xVelocity` and `zVelocity` changed to rank-0 CellVariables. FiPy 
>>>>> *always* solves at cell centers.
>>>>> - Created a rank-1 FaceVariable to hold the velocity. The cell components 
>>>>> must be interpolated and manually inserted into this field at each sweep.
>>>>> - Changed the sign of the DiffusionTerm in the heat equation; it's 
>>>>> unconditionally unstable otherwise
>>>>> - Slowed down the time steps to better see the evolution
>>>>> The result is not identical to the image you showed, but I think that's 
>>>>> down to boundary conditions, sign of gravity, etc.
>>>>> - Jon
>>>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>>>> from fipy import *
>>>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>>>> # Parameter
>>>>> L = 1. 
>>>>> N = 50.
>>>>> dL = L/N
>>>>> alpha = 0.0002            # Thermical dilatation
>>>>> landa = 0.6                       # Thermical conductivity
>>>>> ro0 = 1023.                       # Average volumic Mass
>>>>> g = 10.                           # Gravity
>>>>> # Mesh
>>>>> mesh = Grid2D(nx=N, ny=N, dx=dL, dy=dL)
>>>>> # Variables
>>>>> dT = CellVariable(name = 'dT', mesh = mesh, value = 0.)
>>>>> xVelocity = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Xvelocity', value = 0.)
>>>>> zVelocity = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Zvelocity', value = 0.)
>>>>> velocity = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, name='velocity', rank=1)
>>>>> # Init Condition
>>>>> x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
>>>>> dT.setValue(1.)
>>>>> dT.setValue(-1., where = x > L/2)
>>>>> # Viewer
>>>>> viewer = None
>>>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>>   viewer = Viewer(vars=dT, datamin=-1., datamax=1.)
>>>>>   viewer.plotMesh()
>>>>>   raw_input("<Enter to continue>...")
>>>>> # Boussinesq equations
>>>>> D = landa/ro0
>>>>> eqX = (TransientTerm(var=xVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=xVelocity, 
>>>>> coeff=velocity) == 0)
>>>>> eqZ = (TransientTerm(var=zVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=zVelocity, 
>>>>> coeff=velocity) + alpha*g*dT == 0)
>>>>> eqT = (TransientTerm(var=dT) + ConvectionTerm (var=dT, coeff=velocity) == 
>>>>> DiffusionTerm(var=dT, coeff=D))
>>>>> eq = eqX & eqZ & eqT
>>>>> # Solving Boussinesq equations
>>>>> timeStepDuration = 1 * dL**2 / (2 * D)
>>>>> steps = 50
>>>>> sweeps = 5
>>>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>>>   for sweep in range(sweeps):
>>>>>       eq.sweep(dt=timeStepDuration)
>>>>>       velocity[0] = xVelocity.arithmeticFaceValue
>>>>>       velocity[1] = zVelocity.arithmeticFaceValue
>>>>>       velocity[..., mesh.exteriorFaces.value] = 0.
>>>>>   if viewer is not None:
>>>>>           viewer.plot()
>>>>>           plt.pause(0.1)
>>>>> raw_input("<Enter to finsh>… ")
>>>>>> On Aug 14, 2018, at 11:22 AM, fgendr01 < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I’m a PhD Student in La Rochelle University (France) and I’m working on 
>>>>>> Boussinesq Approximation.
>>>>>> I’m starting with fipy and I’d like to make a little algorithm to solve 
>>>>>> these equations in 2D (x,z) :
>>>>>> <PastedGraphic-1.png>
>>>>>> In my problem T = T0 + dT.
>>>>>> (ux, uz) is the velocity.
>>>>>> So, here is my algorithm :
>>>>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>>>>> from fipy import *
>>>>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>>>>> # Parameter
>>>>>> L = 1. 
>>>>>> N = 50.
>>>>>> dL = L/N
>>>>>> alpha = 0.0002           # Thermical dilatation
>>>>>> landa = 0.6                      # Thermical conductivity
>>>>>> ro0 = 1023.                      # Average volumic Mass
>>>>>> g = 10.                          # Gravity
>>>>>> # Mesh
>>>>>> mesh = Grid2D(nx=N, ny=N, dx=dL, dy=dL)
>>>>>> # Variables
>>>>>> dT = CellVariable(name = 'dT', mesh = mesh, value = 0.)
>>>>>> xVelocity = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Xvelocity', value = 0., rank=1)
>>>>>> zVelocity = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, name='Zvelocity', value = 0., rank=1)
>>>>>> # Init Condition
>>>>>> x = mesh.cellCenters[0]
>>>>>> dT.setValue(1.)
>>>>>> dT.setValue(-1., where = x > L/2)
>>>>>> # Viewer
>>>>>> viewer = None
>>>>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>>>  viewer = Viewer(vars=dT, datamin=-1., datamax=1.)
>>>>>>  viewer.plotMesh()
>>>>>>  raw_input("<Enter to continue>...")
>>>>>> # Boussinesq equations
>>>>>> D = landa/ro0
>>>>>> velocity = ((xVelocity), (zVelocity))
>>>>>> eqX = (TransientTerm(var=xVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=xVelocity, 
>>>>>> coeff=velocity) == 0)
>>>>>> eqZ = (TransientTerm(var=zVelocity) + ConvectionTerm (var=zVelocity, 
>>>>>> coeff=velocity) + alpha*g*dT == 0)
>>>>>> eqT = (TransientTerm(var=dT) + ConvectionTerm (var=dT, coeff=velocity) 
>>>>>> == -DiffusionTerm(var=dT, coeff=D))
>>>>>> eq = eqX & eqZ & eqT
>>>>>> # Solving Boussinesq equations
>>>>>> timeStepDuration = 10 * dL**2 / (2 * D)
>>>>>> steps = 50
>>>>>> for step in range(steps):
>>>>>>  eq.solve(dt=timeStepDuration)
>>>>>>  if viewer is not None:
>>>>>>          viewer.plot()
>>>>>>          plt.pause(0.1)
>>>>>> raw_input("<Enter to finsh>… »)
>>>>>> My error : all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions
>>>>>> I’d like to obtain something like this :
>>>>>> <PastedGraphic-3.png>
>>>>>> If someone can help me, I will be very happy.
>>>>>> Thanks a lot.
>>>>>> Fabien G.
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