Dear Fipy list,

I am pretty much new to FiPy. I am using it to model the dynamic 
response of reaction-diffusion systems (particles/molecules diffusing to 
microelectrodes and then being captured/reacting). I had succes on a 2D 
Cartesian mesh (both Dirichlet and Neumann/zero flux boundary conditions).

Now I would like to go 3D, and the symmetry of our system would allow to 
use a 2D cylindrical grid (r,z) - with zero flux at z=0 and z=L (and 
r=0), and either Dirichlet/zero flux at r=R. Looking at the mailing list 
archive and GitHub, it appears that cylindrical coordinates are at the 
moment not working properly (missing factor)

Is this still the case?

If so, I will start with a simple 3D Cartesian mesh, and then perhaps 
move to more adapted meshes, depending on the calculation speed and the 
precision required. Perhaps the cylindrical coordinates will be fixed in 
a near future?

Many thanks for any advice that you may have

Best wishes,

P.S. Thanks to all for the interesting discussions on the mailing list, 
and to the developers for this relatively accessible PDE solver package.
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