On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 1:14 PM Meier Quintin <quintin.me...@mat.ethz.ch> wrote:
> Dear Daniel,
> Thanks a lot for the help. I got it to work by adding a transientterm().
> If I try to use your second trick though:
> eq = (DiffusionTerm(coeff=(1.0), var=phi) - numerix.sin(phi) + phi * 
> numerix.cos(phi)-ImplicitSourceTerm(numerix.cos(phi)) == 
> TransientTerm(var=phi))

I think this has the parentheses in the wrong place. Does the code
that I included in my last email work for you as is?

This (without the line break)
eq = TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm() - numerix.sin(phi) + phi *
numerix.cos(phi) - ImplicitSourceTerm(numerix.cos(phi))

> I get the error:
> ExplicitVariableError: Terms with explicit Variables cannot mix with Terms 
> with implicit Variables.

That's because of the parentheses I think.

> Also, I dont fully understand the expression: I assume the implicit term is 
> to neutralize the  phi * numerix.cos(phi), so should it not be: 
> phi*ImplicitSourceTerm(numerix.cos(phi))?

ImplicitSourceTerm includes the extra variable multiplier
automatically. It put the source into the matrix diagonal to stabilize
the solution.

> Also: if I would want a second derivative in time in there to solve the 
> time-dependent problem, would the best way to do that to define a second 
> variable:
> dphidt=TransientTerm(var=phi)
> and solve the coupled equations or is there a different way?

Yes, right, it can be split into two hyperbolic equations, but FiPy
doesn't do well with those types of equations. It doesn't have the
correct numerical schemes. I think CLAWPACK might be a better bet for

Daniel Wheeler
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