Yuranan -

There are a few things going on here.

I've modified your notebook and posted it at 

The singular matrix has gone away, but the solution diverges. In general, I 
find the drift-diffusion equations pretty challenging to solve. Newton-Raphson 
iterations are almost always called for and under-relaxation or other damping 
can be needed, too.

- Jon

> On Feb 24, 2020, at 7:11 PM, Yuranan Hanlumyuang <yurana...@ku.th> wrote:
> Dear the FiPy Team,
> We are trying to solve the coupled equations in the paper titled 
> "Diffuse-charge dynamics in electrochemical systems" by Bazant, Thornton and 
> Ajdari using FiPy.  I am posting a copy of the python code and the equations 
> here https://bit.ly/32fIA8a
> The example of Binary_Electrolytes posted by Prof. Guyer has been followed 
> closely. However, we keep encountering the errors of self.factorizeFnc(*args, 
> **kwargs) with the RuntimeError: Factor is exactly singular. We were unable 
> to diagnose if there is anything wrong with the way we set (1) the boundary 
> conditions, or (2) the coupled equations. 
> We tried to use “eqns.solve()” as well, but still it didn’t work.  I would 
> appreciate any guidance that you can offer.   
> The code in the text format is listed below: 
> from fipy import *
> m = Grid1D(nx=100,Lx=2.0)
> v = 1
> epsilon= 0.05
> delta = 0.1
> x = m.cellCenters[0]
> ##Initial conditions
> c = CellVariable(name="c", mesh=m , value=1.0, hasOld=True)
> rho = CellVariable(name="rho", mesh=m , value=0.0, hasOld=True)
> phi = CellVariable(name="phi",mesh=m, hasOld=True)
> phi.setValue(v*(x-1), where=m.cellCenters)
> #vi =Viewer((phi, c, rho),datamin=-1.1, datamax=1.1)
> #vi.plot()
> ##Boundary conditions
> c.faceGrad.constrain(-rho.faceValue*phi.faceGrad, where=m.facesLeft)
> c.faceGrad.constrain(-rho.faceValue*phi.faceGrad, where=m.facesRight)
> rho.faceGrad.constrain(-c.faceValue*phi.faceGrad, where=m.facesLeft)
> rho.faceGrad.constrain(-c.faceValue*phi.faceGrad, where=m.facesRight)
> phi.faceGrad.constrain((phi.faceValue+v)/(epsilon*delta), where=m.facesLeft)
> phi.faceGrad.constrain((phi.faceValue-v)/(-epsilon*delta), where=m.facesRight)
> ##Equations
> Drho = epsilon*rho
> Dc   = epsilon*c
> eq1 = TransientTerm(var=c) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=epsilon, var=c) 
> +DiffusionTerm(coeff=Drho, var=phi)
> eq2 = TransientTerm(var=rho) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=epsilon, var=rho) 
> +DiffusionTerm(coeff=Dc, var=phi)
> eq3 = DiffusionTerm(coeff=epsilon*epsilon, 
> var=phi)+ImplicitSourceTerm(coeff=1.0, var=rho) == 0
> eqns = eq1 & eq2 & eq3 
> ##Solve
> #vi =Viewer((phi, c, rho),datamin=-1.1, datamax=1.1)
> #from builtins import range
> res = 1e+10
> restol= 1e-13
> for t in range(100):
>     c.updateOld()
>     rho.updateOld()
>     phi.updateOld()
>     while res > restol:
>         res = eqns.sweep(dt=1e-15)
>         print(res)
> Best,
> Yuranan
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