Hi all,

I am sorry for the delay in responding to this thread and I don't mean
to resurrect its mostly dead state, but, since I was able to put
together a test case, it seemed reasonable to put it forward.

I was reading the large number of comments about the shotgun being too
unwieldy to be effective in home defense.  Since I instruct with a
firearms school in LA, I decided it was reasonable to test.  So, I
hijacked a student during today's class and at the break, I threw a
shotgun at him.

The student is not big (~5'8", 130-140lbs) and had no experience with
rifles or shotguns.  I gave him 5 minutes of training on safety,
operation and general technique and let him run the course.  His
practice consisted of 2-3 dry operations of the shotgun so he would
understand the mechanisms.

The course was one close (4') and one slightly distant (10') opponent.
  He performed this course, twice each, with a pistol and a shotgun.

I took video and posted it on youtube:

My conclusions are as follows from this 1 anecdotal example.

- 12 gauge recoil 00 Buck on winchester low recoil law enforcement
ammunition is manageable even by those that have never shot a shotgun
before.  The student didn't drop the shotgun.  it didn't jump wildly

- acceptable accuracy with a rifle/shotgun is much easier to
accomplish than with a handgun.  Even his point shooting was dead on.
In contrast, his pistol shots were in both in the lung on the distant
target.  I would not bet that these pistol shots would instantly take
down an opponent and this is from a person that has trained  ~5 hours
with a pistol. With 5 minutes instruction he shot it as I would in a
close contact situation and was dead on.  His 1st run though the
course was low on the distal target and dead on in the 2nd run.

- the big downside seems to be the pumping mechanism.  I considered
him to be remarkably slow in operating the shotgun.  With 30' of
practice I could get him pumping with the recoil and his speed would
probably be similar to his handgun work with more lethal results.

- This exercise really reaffirmed that the pistol really is a
remarkably difficult to master weapon.  With 5 hours of training, he
was somewhat lethal with a pistol --  I tried to build up the stress
during the exercise, his pistol shots were drifting pretty badly as a
result.  If you believe in shot placement, I would not want to rely on
this skill level under the stress of a "real" engagement.  In
contrast, the shotgun was dependably operated (although slightly
slowly) with this level of stress and SIGNIFICANTLY less training.

All for what it's worth for 1 test case example... But, I thought it
would be fun to test.

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