> 31.10.2012 12:50, Thomas Steinmaurer wrote:
>>> That said, I'm against the idea in general ;-)
> Sorry, I had intended to write:
> "That said, I'm NOT against the idea in general"

Ah, even better. ;-)

> as it should obviously be wiped out sooner rather than later. But this
> is exactly the case when my personal humble opinion conflicts with the
> management one. But let's hear other opinions as well, I'm not a
> dictator ;-)


Management = Firebird Admin List?

Firebird 3 has quite a road for being ready for production, so there is 
additional time available to teach people in support list etc. that 
dialect 1 will be removed and that there is a migration dialect 2 
available, IMHO it's a sign that dialect 1 is already deprecated.

I vaguely remember a discussion on ODS 12, that Firebird 3 can be used 
only with ODS 12, thus we have to run through a backup/restore cycle, 
but I'm not up-to-date in that area, thus might be wrong due to the 
provider architecture etc. While it's not the same scenario as with D1, 
this would be another sign that upgrading to Firebird 3 ain't that 
straight-forward compared to older releases.

If there is an agreement to remove D1 in Firebird 3 and if it isn't too 
late, I would mention the deprecation in the Firebird 2.5.2 Release 
Notes as a start already.


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