> I have not seen in Firebird web any comment about the intention in 
> LibreOffice for use Firebird as backend.
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GSoC/Ideas#Support_for_Firebird_Database_in_Base
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51780
> I am user of Firebird and LibreOffice, in the LibreOffice project 
> collaborating with QA and helping users in ask.libreoffice.org.
> I like very much the idea of Firebird as backen for LibreOffice, what I think 
> can be in profit for both communities.

    Why not ? :)

> Maybe someone from Firebird side can help in to achieve the right 
> implementation for LibreOffice, what is being asked on both 
> links.

    Of course we can help with Firebird side of things. Could you point us to 
the concrete issue\question ?

So far i see two open questions raised at links above:

a) Can we just ship it in LIBROFFICE_ROOT/program/fbserver? Or will it want 
config files in /etc/ and that kind of things?

    Since Firebird 2.5 you could place embedded kit at any place you like, just 
point FIREBIRD environment variable to
this folder. As for config files and other misc items - see


b) can we redirect FireBird's read()/write() to our internal data structures in 
this scenario? This could be a blocking issue

    You can look at PIO_read\PIO_write and company and modify them to redirect 
database IO into your file.
But i would not recommend to do it.


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