> On Nov 30, 2014, at 6:35 PM, Stuart Simon <stuart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, but version numbers tell me nothing. What I am looking for is an 
> explanation of how Firebird (the package) can tell which bytes belong to 
> which fields. Somehow Firebird must be able to tell the difference between 
> the following two records:
> FirstName     LastName
> 'Jim'               'Starkey'
> 'Jim Starkey'  ''
> It may well be that it was coded in the Interbase days and has not been 
> looked up until now. Or maybe it's the blob in the "RDB$DESCRIPTOR" field, in 
> which case I do not know how to decode it into text.

No.   The format of the record is included in the record header, which is 
described in ods.h.  Use that number to look up the record in RDB$FORMATS. That 
tells you how long each field is - uncompressed.  On disk, each record is 
compressed using a run lenth compression of the whole record.  The first byte 
is a length.  If it's positive, the next <n> bytes are data.  If negiative, the 
next <n> bytes are the following byte value.  E.g.   0x3, 'Jim', 0x-20, ' ', 
0x7, 'Starkey', 0x23, ' ' etc. would be Jim(17 spaces)Starkey.  That would 
correspond to FirstName 23, LastName 30.

Good luck,

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