Thank you for the pull request! I haven't looked at it closely yet (will do 
that this weekend), but I think it's great. I have some concerns regarding the 
commit demarcation as compared to the requirements of jdbc, but I will come 
back at that in comments on the pull request.

----- Reply message -----
Van: "Maxim Smyatkin" <>
Aan: <>
Onderwerp: [Firebird-devel] Moving Jaybird auto-commit implementation into 
Datum: vr, mei 29, 2015 16:10

Hello,Recently we've got an information from some company that they would like 
to use Firebird/Red Database with OpenCMS, but they couldn't afford it because 
of bad performance. We compared it with PostgreSQL and it was true - on some 
page views PG showed 4 seconds while for Firebird it was almost 27 seconds. 
Skimming through performance audit log explained us, that CMS executes lots 
(thousends) of small selects per page view. I agree that it seems like a 
horrible design, but anyway PG handled it much faster.
The reasons were:
1. In auto-commit mode Jaybird wraps any statement into start/commit calls. So, 
it does two additional calls to DBMS per statement;
2. It doesn't really matter if the statement changes anything or not. It 
executes start/commit in both cases.
Here is a pull request with changes to fix this behaviour using DBMS API's 
auto-commit flag:
Any further information about implementation or results is in comment to the 
pull request.

It seems to work excellent with OpenCMS, but Jaybird's unit tests show several 

1. testBatch shows failure, because now every statement in the batch execution 
mode is commited separately. This behaviour is perfectly fine as JDBC 
specification states that you can't rely on batch mode + auto-commit mode. 
Maybe, Firebird has some clients who rely on this behaviour, I don't know. 
Anyway, you can wrap batch execution into freshly started non auto-commit 
transaction, if you wish. I decided to leave this decision up to you and didn't 
touch it.

2. Whole TestFBBlobStream family (6 tests) fails. The reason is bug in Firebird 
transaction engine. When transaction started in auto-commit mode actually 
commits (via commit_retaining) it doesn't free any resources. E.g., what 
happens in these tests is:
- we create a procedure P using a table T.
- the P states its interest in the T (while looking for P's dependencies);
- transaction commits the changes with retaining flag and forgets to say that 
it isn't interested in the T anymore;
- we try to drop the T, but we can't because it is marked as "in use"!
I attached a patch (for 2.5 branch) to release resources on commit_retaining. 
But I believe the problem is rather in modify_procedure()'s code, because it 
should release rel_use_counts on its own.

3. TestDriverConnectionPoolDataSource.testPreparedStatement fails with an 
Error. I don't know why it happens and how to fix it. Looks like some kind of 
race conditions, but I'm not sure. If anyone could look into it, it would be 

Here is my commit for OpenCMS, so that it could effectively use modified 
I will issue pull request as soon as I verify that this Jaybird improvement is 

Thank you!
Smyatkin Maxim, Red Soft Corporation.
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