27.07.2015 1:24, Ann Harrison wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 5:15 PM, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
>      >
>      > Or is there a reason to ignore those higher bits for the facility and 
> code?
>         I have no idea why ENCODE_ISC_MSG written in this way.
>      > CLASS_MASK seems to not be used anywhere, or at least I can't remember
>      > ever having seen an error code with the bit 30 (warning) or 31 (info)
>      > set. Or is it used somewhere internally as an in-band channel?
>         Looks like something planned at the past (before Firebird) but never 
> used...
> Firebird was based on InterBase which was based on Rdb/ELN, an implementation 
> of DEC's [standard(!)] relational
> interface.  As part of DEC's VAX software empire, DSRI used DEC's error 
> message facility.  Every project had a code and
> used it as a prefix to its error messages.

   Ann, thanks for explanation. But, it is still not clear why ENCODE_ISC_MSG
is more strict than necessary. It limits number of facilities by 31 (bitmask
used allows 255) and number of codes per facility by 16383 (instead of 65535).

   Currently, we have no problem with it, just curious...


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