On 20-8-2015 13:49, James Starkey wrote:
> SHA1 produces a 160 bit hash or 2^160 possible values.  To search the
> hash space, on average you have to try half of these, or 2^159 probles.
> A decimal digit requires about three and a half bits, so round that up
> to four.  So expressing the number of probes in decimal (or hex) would
> require 2^155 digits.  If we assume there are four billion computers on
> earth.  That means that each computer would need to store 2^123 digits.
>    A gigabyte is 2^9, so each compuer would have to have 2^114 GB of memory.
> The probability of breaking the hash is the reciprical of that number,
> which will have approximately that number of zeros after the decinal
> point.  For convenience, lets assume that the probability of guessing a
> SHA-256 hash is zero, so the difference between SHA-1 and SHA-256 is the
> same as the probablity of guessing a SHA-1 hash, which is a number too
> small to be expressed except exponentially.

Ah, now I see, thanks!

Mark Rotteveel

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