On 17-8-2015 23:22, Jim Starkey wrote:
> The theoretical basis of computer security and mutual authentication is
> the concept of shared secrets.  The most common implementations use
> passwords.  In Firebird, there are at least two implementation of
> password based authentication, SRP verifiers and irreversible hash
> algorithms.  Each can be made secure unless the collections of
> <password, hash> pairs is compromised, in which case the hash can be
> attacked with brute force, a dictionary attack, or a related key attack.
> There are two approaches to hardening password hashes to defeat various
> attacks.  The more secure is use only large, randomly generated keys.
> Unless there is a weakness in the hash mechanism, a 20 byte key will
> require, on average, 2^119 probes to break a key, an inconceivable
> task.  The problem with long, randomly generated keys is that they are
> unusable by human beings.
> The less secure approach is to increase the cost a probe to make an
> iterative attack infeasible.  The pbkdef2-hmac-sha1 algorithm uses
> iterative rounds of hashing, where each round requires two sha1 hashes.
> The recommended number of iterations in 2000 was 1000. Now, a more
> common number is 10,000 iterations.  Unfortunately, however, increasing
> the cost of a probe for an attacker also increases the cost of a
> validation, leaving a server that implements such a hash wide open to
> denial of service attacks.  And where increasing the size of a password
> by a byte has an exponential increase in the computational power
> necessary for a successful attack, increasing the number of rounds in
> pbkdf2 has only a linear effect.
> So we have two techniques, one secure but unusable and one usable,
> moderately secure, but with an unavoidable side effect of loading a
> server with limited computing power with a vast amount of unnecessary
> computation.
> A potential workaround is to combine the two techniques with a client
> side password vault, itself protected by a pbkdf2 type algorithm for a
> human friendly password, containing long randomly generated connection
> password.  The computational cost of opening the vault is unavoidable
> but is on the client side, sparing the server.
> To use a password vault, one additional parameter would have to be added
> to the connection request in the API, which is the filename of the
> password vault (obviously, even this can be eliminated by a client
> configuration file).  As part of the connection request, the client
> decrypts the vault using the given password, looks up the connection
> long, randomly generated password given the account string, then uses
> the long, randomly generated password for the actual database connection.
> Any example of a password vault is:
>     <Vault cipher="aes128" hash="pbkdf2-hmac-sha1" salt="20a12845d9b84" 
> rounds="10">
>     15C/CZvPPDWDdYuoL8BJMRH/I.fLcqP5pHzONcOdwFXNjJ/62uEg18eXE5h/
>     VJixUH1P8kNmfe1dJHs6EEBcAn5WARGGxoy1kW9QC6J0s.PXTtMqRRzw7Kai
>     i1hT1WvvHjjv4DZN7CdGNCep55/TJE**
>     </Vault>
> The base64 gook is an XML document containing, possibly among other
> things, a list of accounts and associated passwords encrypted with
> AES-128.  The vault decryption key is derived with PBKDF2 (password
> based key derivative function, version 2), HMAC (a message digest) using
> SHA1.  Obvious there is provide to change algorithms.  In this case the
> number of PBKDF2 iterations is 10, which is hopeless secure but good
> enough for debugging.
> Unless it can be guaranteed that SRP verifiers in Firebird are immune to
> compromised (and daily headlines tell of the large number of government
> agencies that incorrectly though likewise), it is close to folly to use
> a robust authentication algorithm like SRP using human chosen passwords.
> In the final analysis, hardening any computing systems requires that the
> most vulnerable links be addressed first.  In Firebird, that is the use
> of human chosen passwords.

Using a client-side password vault is an interesting idea, but it does 
not really have an impact on server-side security, except that it allows 
you to use more random keys, a similar effect can be achieved by using 
significantly longer passwords and a better hashing algorithm (one that 
generates more bits and generates a cryptographically stronger hash, for 
example SHA-384 or SHA-512), maybe combined with PBKDF2 (using it as a 
key-derivation algorithm) which allows you to generate even more bits.

A client-side password vault should be just that, purely client-side and 
it should not reflect in any way in the protocol or handshake. I think 
it provides a false sense of security though, as you protect a big 
secret with a smaller secret, and as such you don't add any real 
protection over using the smaller secret 'directly' (through some kind 
of key derivation algorithm as above).

Mark Rotteveel

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