18.08.2016 16:41, Dimitry Sibiryakov пишет:
> 18.08.2016 15:33, Vlad Khorsun wrote:
>>    Do you intentionally mixed timeouts set by DBA and by app developer or 
>> you really not
>> understand what is for what ?
>    Yes, I don't understand.
>>    Global timeout set by DBA usually measured in tens of minutes or in hours.
>    Could you provide an example what such enormous timeouts can be good for?
>    I'm sure that almost everyone who hear about this feature first time will 
> imagine
> statement timeouts in a couple of seconds, not more.

   Global timeout is a last line of defense for DBA against bad apps, wrong 
developer mistakes, unlucky days (dropped some indices last week but now some 
got crazy) and so on. It is *last* line, therefore it should be used with 
maximum care.

   Application-level timeouts is for developers, not for DBA's, and reasons to 
use it
completely different - starting from stress-testing and up to the enterprise 
such as "no OLTP statements should run more than 2 sec". Therefore such 
timeouts should
be set in more individual way - at session and\or query level.

   For example: as developer you may like to set session level timeout in your 
dev tool
to avoid need to kill manually query you writting and forget to specify join 
for 25th and 26th tables in it.

>>  Are you advocate applications which could hold open cursor for a hours ?
>    I know at least one such application.

   It is allowed for you to not use timeouts with this app :)


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